
Katie Price recently shared a stunning new photo revealing her natural hair without any extensions. In the Instagram post, Katie showcased her real hair by running her hand through it while wearing a full face of makeup. She mentioned in the caption that this natural look is temporary until she puts her extensions back in place.

Fans were quick to praise Katie’s new look, with many commenting on how stunning she appeared without the extensions. Some fans suggested that she should keep her hair like this, as it suits her perfectly.

This change in hairstyle is not the only recent alteration Katie has made to her appearance. Known for her love of cosmetic procedures, Katie recently underwent her 17th breast augmentation surgery. She explained that the surgery was necessary to correct asymmetry and drooping caused by her previous implants.

Despite undergoing surgery, Katie revealed that she plans to attend Dublin Pride shortly after, raising concerns among medical professionals. Plastic surgeons have warned that engaging in physical activities and being in crowded places soon after surgery can increase the risk of complications, such as bleeding, infections, and even death in extreme cases.

Experts emphasize the importance of allowing the body to rest and recover properly after undergoing any surgical procedure. Rushing into activities like attending events or traveling can jeopardize the healing process and lead to severe consequences.

Katie’s history of cosmetic surgeries dates back to 1998 when she had her first breast augmentation. Over the years, she has undergone multiple procedures to alter various aspects of her appearance, including her breasts, nose, teeth, and face. Despite facing complications and infections along the way, Katie has continued to pursue drastic changes to her look.

It is essential for individuals considering cosmetic surgery to prioritize their health and well-being by following post-operative care instructions, allowing sufficient time for recovery, and consulting with medical professionals before engaging in any strenuous activities. Rushing back into daily routines can have serious implications on one’s health and the success of the surgical outcome.