
Justin Timberlake’s lawyer, Edward Burke Jr., has spoken up about the recent DWI arrest of the singer. He mentioned that they are prepared to defend Timberlake against the allegations and will provide more information in due time once they have all the necessary details from the District Attorney’s office.

Timberlake, who shares two sons with his wife Jessica Biel, was arrested on June 18 in Long Island, New York, for driving while intoxicated. Police reported that he appeared to be in an intoxicated state during a traffic stop, with bloodshot and glassy eyes, and the smell of alcohol on his breath. Despite Timberlake claiming he only had one martini and was following his friends home, he performed poorly on sobriety tests and refused to be tested for impairment.

The Grammy-winning artist was released without bail and is expected to continue his tour, with performances scheduled in Chicago, New York, and Boston later this month. Meanwhile, Biel is filming a series in New York, and the couple has been open about their decision to raise their family away from the spotlight, particularly in Montana, where they seek normalcy and privacy for their children.

Biel explained that they wanted to create a sense of normalcy for their kids and avoid exposing them to the pressures of living in the spotlight at a young age. They have chosen to live in Montana to provide a more grounded upbringing for their sons, away from the hustle and bustle of big cities like New York and Los Angeles.

While the couple themselves may be accustomed to life in the public eye, they are committed to protecting their children’s privacy until they are old enough to decide for themselves. This decision reflects their desire to prioritize their family’s well-being and ensure that their children have the space to grow up without the constant scrutiny of fame.

As the legal proceedings unfold, Timberlake’s attorney will continue to defend him against the DWI allegations, and the couple will focus on maintaining a sense of normalcy and privacy for their family, regardless of the challenges they may face in the public eye.