
Justin Timberlake faced a surprising turn of events when he refused to take a breathalyzer test during a police stop in Sag Harbor, NY, which ultimately led to his DWI arrest on Monday night. Sources revealed that Timberlake was dining with friends at the American Hotel when police stationed outside pulled him over for a traffic violation upon his departure.

Despite his friends’ pleas to the police, Timberlake refused to take a breathalyzer test, which resulted in his arrest for DWI. Interestingly, the officer who stopped Timberlake was reportedly so young that he did not recognize the Grammy-winning singer.

Following his arrest, Timberlake was charged with DWI and two other traffic violations. His attorney, Eddie Burke Jr., did not provide specific details about the incident. Timberlake, who was arraigned and released from custody on Tuesday morning, was seen leaving court wearing a black baseball cap and sunglasses.

The pop star, who shares two sons with his wife Jessica Biel, has been candid about his struggles with excessive drinking in the past. He admitted to consuming a whole bottle of whiskey in a 2014 interview and acknowledged getting completely drunk on occasions in a 2006 interview.

Despite these personal challenges, Timberlake is currently in the midst of his Forget Tomorrow World Tour, with upcoming concerts scheduled in Chicago. The incident serves as a reminder of the consequences of driving under the influence and the importance of making responsible choices to ensure the safety of oneself and others on the road.