
Julia Louis-Dreyfus, known for her comedic roles, decided to take a risk by working with a first-time director on a new movie called “Tuesday.” The film tells the story of Zora and her daughter, Tuesday, who are faced with Death in the form of a talking bird. Despite the film’s humorous elements, the prevailing emotion is sadness as it explores themes of grief and mortality.

Louis-Dreyfus mentioned that filming certain intense scenes, such as her character coming to terms with her daughter’s cancer diagnosis, was emotionally challenging and stayed with her long after filming. Despite being primarily known for her comedic roles in shows like Seinfeld and Veep, Louis-Dreyfus was drawn to the film’s exploration of depression and the different ways people cope with pain.

The movie portrays Zora making difficult decisions while dealing with grief, which Louis-Dreyfus described as “heinous” and “not-so-admirable.” She emphasized that Zora is not a bad person but is struggling, much like many people do. Through the character of Zora, the film aims to show that struggles are universal and hopes to open up channels of communication about grief and isolation.

Lola Petticrew, who plays Tuesday, expressed the hope that people will watch the movie in theaters to have a communal viewing experience. Despite the serious themes of the film, Petticrew worked to ensure that Tuesday’s sense of humor and wisecracking spirit were prominent throughout the story. The mother-daughter relationship between Louis-Dreyfus and Petticrew in the film is portrayed authentically, thanks to the trust and comfort they quickly established with each other.

The film “Tuesday” is set to premiere in theaters on June 7th, offering audiences a unique and emotional viewing experience. Through its exploration of grief, depression, and the complexities of human emotions, the movie aims to resonate with viewers and evoke meaningful conversations about life and loss. It sheds light on the idea that even in the face of death, humor and connection can provide solace and understanding in difficult times.