
In the film Firebrand, Jude Law takes on the role of King Henry VIII, depicting the monarch as he nears the end of his life and grapples with paranoia. The story revolves around his sixth wife, Katherine Parr, played by Alicia Vikander, who tries to navigate his erratic behavior while keeping her own beliefs hidden.

Law shared with Yahoo Entertainment that the director, Karim Aïnouz, aimed to create an immersive experience for the audience by incorporating authentic scents into the set. In an effort to capture the essence of King Henry VIII’s deteriorating health, a perfume specialist concocted a blend of blood, fecal matter, and sweat to create a repugnant odor that surrounded the character.

The commitment to historical accuracy extended beyond just the olfactory experience. Aïnouz went to great lengths to recreate the ambiance of the late 1540s, including using animals, controlling the room temperature, and selecting specific herbs for scenes. Law, dedicated to portraying the king truthfully, embraced the challenge of embodying a complex character torn between admiration and repulsion.

The film not only delves into the character of King Henry VIII but also shines a spotlight on Katherine Parr, a figure often overlooked in historical narratives. Vikander, who portrays Parr, emphasized the importance of telling the stories of women who have been marginalized throughout history. Despite facing challenges and differing views while living with Henry, Parr managed to outlive him and leave her mark on history.

Firebrand offers a unique perspective on a well-known historical figure and sheds light on the resilience and strength of women in the past. The film is currently showing in theaters, inviting audiences to immerse themselves in a world of intrigue, power dynamics, and personal struggles from the Tudor era.