
Joseph Gordon-Levitt, known for his acting skills, recently showcased his singing talent on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon. While promoting his new film with Eddie Murphy, he expressed his sadness at being away from his wife, Tisha McCauley, on her birthday. In a sweet gesture, Gordon-Levitt asked Fallon if he could surprise his wife with a special birthday present on air, which Fallon happily agreed to.

During his appearance, Gordon-Levitt picked up an acoustic guitar and serenaded his wife with a heartfelt rendition of Taylor Swift’s “Lover.” The actor’s performance was met with a warm round of applause from the audience, showcasing his versatility beyond acting.

Gordon-Levitt and McCauley tied the knot in 2014 and have two sons together, born in 2015 and 2017. Despite being public figures, the couple has chosen to keep their children out of the spotlight, refraining from sharing their names or photos with the public.

During a previous interview with Fallon, Gordon-Levitt opened up about his experience as a father and how it has impacted him. He expressed his admiration for Fallon’s portrayal of fatherhood in a documentary, highlighting the profound impact fathers can have on their children’s lives.

The actor’s touching performance on the show not only showcased his love for his wife but also gave viewers a glimpse into his personal life as a dedicated father and family man. It is heartwarming to see celebrities like Gordon-Levitt prioritize their loved ones amidst their busy schedules and demanding careers.