
Jon Cryer recently shared some details about his working relationship with Andrew McCarthy, his co-star in the film Pretty in Pink. During a Q&A session following the movie’s premiere at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York City, Cryer spoke candidly about his experience working with McCarthy.

In the 1986 romantic comedy, Pretty in Pink, Cryer and McCarthy starred alongside Molly Ringwald. Cryer admitted that they did not get along during the filming of the movie because McCarthy was, in his words, a difficult person. McCarthy himself acknowledged Cryer’s assessment, agreeing that there was tension between them on set.

However, Demi Moore, another co-star from the film, had a different perspective on McCarthy. She interjected during the Q&A, stating that she did not have the same negative experience with him. Cryer was quick to clarify that McCarthy may not have been difficult towards everyone, especially not towards Moore.

Moore went on to explain her emotional reaction when McCarthy reached out to her to participate in a project called BRATS. She expressed how touched she was by his gesture, and it brought back memories from their time working together on Pretty in Pink.

The conversation at the Tribeca Film Festival shed light on the complexities of relationships on movie sets and how different actors can have contrasting experiences with the same co-star. Despite the tensions between Cryer and McCarthy, it seems that there were positive connections and memories shared as well.

This glimpse into the behind-the-scenes dynamics of Pretty in Pink offers fans a new perspective on the beloved film and the actors who brought its characters to life. It serves as a reminder that what we see on screen is often just a small part of the larger story of filmmaking and the relationships that develop among those involved.