
Jon Bon Jovi is currently mourning the loss of his mother, Carol Bongiovi, who passed away on Tuesday at Monmouth Medical Center in New Jersey, just days before her 84th birthday. In a statement released on behalf of his family, Bon Jovi described his mother as a strong presence who shaped their family with her spirit and can-do attitude.

Carol Bongiovi, a native of Erie, Pennsylvania, was not only the founder of her son’s fan club but also an entrepreneur and a U.S. Marine veteran. She met her husband, John Bongiovi, Sr., while serving in the Marines, and the couple eventually settled in Sayreville, New Jersey, where they raised their three sons.

In addition to her husband, Carol is survived by her three sons, Jon Bon Jovi, Anthony, and Matthew, along with their wives and eight grandchildren. The passing of Carol Bongiovi comes as a somber moment for the family, following the recent joy of Jon Bon Jovi’s son, Jake Bongiovi, getting married to Millie Bobby Brown.

The news of Jake’s wedding was confirmed by Bon Jovi himself during an interview with BBC’s The One Show, where he expressed his happiness for the newlyweds. Despite the bittersweet timing of the events, Bon Jovi remains supportive of his son’s decision to marry at a young age, reflecting on his own elopement with Dorothea, his high school sweetheart, in 1989.

Looking back on his own experience, Bon Jovi sees parallels between his early marriage and that of his son, expressing confidence that Jake and Millie will navigate their journey together with the support of their families. The singer’s positive outlook on family and relationships shines through as he shares his thoughts on his son’s marriage and the enduring legacy of his late mother, Carol Bongiovi.

In times of loss and celebration, the Bon Jovi family remains united in their love and support for one another, honoring the memory of Carol Bongiovi while embracing the new chapter in Jake’s life with his wife, Millie Bobby Brown. As they navigate these emotional milestones, their bond as a family continues to be a source of strength and resilience, reflecting the enduring legacy of love and togetherness that Carol instilled in her family.