
Joe Wicks, known as The Body Coach, recently shared the name of his newborn son and a heartwarming photo of his growing family. Joe and his wife Rosie welcomed their fourth child a week ago, but kept the baby’s name a secret until now. The fitness star took to Instagram to reveal that they have named their new baby boy Dusty, joining siblings Indie, Marley, and Leni.

Fans were quick to express their love for the unique name choice, with many leaving comments on Joe’s post praising the decision. Celebrities like Charlotte Crosby also joined in, calling Dusty’s name “epic” and showing their support for the growing family.

Before Dusty’s arrival, Joe had kept his followers updated on Rosie’s pregnancy journey, even asking them to guess the gender of the baby. After welcoming their son at home with the help of NHS midwives, Joe shared some intimate moments captured right after Dusty’s birth, expressing his gratitude for the healthcare professionals who assisted them.

Joe and Rosie, who tied the knot in 2019, are already parents to Indie, Marley, and Leni. Their choice of unique and unconventional baby names has become a trademark of the couple, with fans always eager to hear what they will name their next child. The family of six is now enjoying their time together, with Rosie and Dusty both doing well and getting the rest they need after the birth.

As Joe continues to inspire and motivate his followers with his fitness and lifestyle advice, fans are delighted to see him share this personal and joyous moment with them. The outpouring of love and support for the Wicks family on social media is a testament to the positive impact Joe has had on so many people’s lives. Congratulations to Joe, Rosie, and their four beautiful children on this new chapter in their lives.