
Joe Jackson expressed deep concerns for his son Michael Jackson’s health and well-being in the weeks leading up to his tragic death in 2009. Joe believed that if he had been able to see his son and intervene, Michael’s death might have been prevented. His lawyer, Brian Oxman, revealed that Joe suspected Michael of using medication and drugs, which left him too ill to perform his comeback concerts in London.

Brian Oxman shared how Joe Jackson felt that he would have been the only one to reach Michael and save his life. Joe had a heart-to-heart with Michael at the Beverly Hills Hotel, where he expressed his worries about his son’s health. Despite Joe’s attempts to connect with Michael and offer help, the singer kept anyone who tried to stage an intervention away from him.

Michael Jackson’s struggles with addiction and self-medication were well-known, and Joe feared that his son was battling severe drug dependency once again. Despite his efforts to communicate his concerns and protect Michael, Joe was kept away by those around the singer who did not understand the severity of the situation.

In the final weeks leading up to Michael’s death, Joe made multiple attempts to see his son, but he was always turned away by guards and security. Despite the family’s desire to intervene and help Michael, they were unable to reach him due to the layers of protection around him.

Brian Oxman refuted claims that Joe had physically abused Michael, emphasizing the love and protection that existed between father and son. Michael had previously spoken about his father’s disciplinarian approach to rehearsal but denied any physical abuse. Joe stood by Michael during his 2005 molestation trial, showing unwavering support and love for his son.

Reflecting on Michael’s passing, Brian expressed deep sadness and regret, highlighting the unique talent and presence that Michael brought to the world. He emphasized that there will never be another performer like Michael Jackson and that his legacy will live on despite the tragic circumstances of his death.