
Jessica Alba recently sat down for an interview, reflecting on the 25th anniversary of the sci-fi drama series, Dark Angel. Created by James Cameron and Charles H. Eglee, the show only lasted two seasons but gained a dedicated fanbase. Alba expressed her openness to a reboot of the series if James Cameron was interested in revisiting it, citing him as a mentor and expressing admiration for his work.

Having starred in Dark Angel at just 19 years old, Alba acknowledged that the show was ahead of its time and speculated on how it would handle current themes like artificial intelligence. She also discussed her new project, an action thriller for Netflix called Trigger Warning, where she plays a Special Forces commando dealing with personal grief while navigating a violent environment.

Alba shared that filming Trigger Warning was a cathartic experience for her, as she was grieving her grandfather, who was a father figure in her life, during production. The film, directed by Mouly Surya, aims to bring a unique perspective to the action genre by incorporating Indonesian knife fighting and showcasing a female-led creative team.

Trigger Warning also stars Anthony Michael Hall, Mark Webber, and other talented actors, with a focus on portraying a gritty and authentic depiction of action without catering to traditional male-centric fantasies. Alba emphasized the importance of having a feminine touch in the film, steering away from clichés and opting for more nuanced and satisfying storytelling.

The actress’s journey from Dark Angel to Trigger Warning showcases her versatility and growth as a performer, exploring complex characters and challenging roles. As she continues to evolve in her career, Alba remains open to new opportunities and collaborations that push boundaries and offer fresh perspectives to audiences.

Trigger Warning is set to premiere on Netflix on June 21, promising an intense and gripping viewing experience that combines emotional depth with adrenaline-pumping action sequences. With Alba at the helm and a diverse creative team supporting the project, the film is poised to make a mark in the world of action cinema and redefine the genre for a modern audience.