Minister of health, Jens Spahn, has missed the office of the CDU-Chairman. We show what you need to know about his resume and his husband, Daniel Funke.

Update from the 7. December 2018: Jens Spahn was the third candidate in the race for the CDU presidency. In the first ballot, he reached at the CDU party Congress 15.7 percent of the vote – a success, but not enough for the jump to the party leadership.

In his candidate’s speech for election of party leaders has called Spahn on Friday afternoon to a re-awakening. The CDU don’t need “More” and “point of no Return in the past,” said Spahn on Friday at the Federal party conference in Hamburg to the delegates. “What we need is an idea for the future, a change in perspective”. It is the question of driving, such as Germany in the year 2040-looking. He could not pledge his party to be a “more convenient party Chairman”. But the CDU could rely on him.

In the Following you will learn how his career and his private life up to the CDU Congress are run in December 2018.

Jens Spahn: CV before the CDU party Congress in December, 2018

Berlin – Jens Spahn (38) is a polarizing politician. He is a friend of the “clear language”, and hit so often. The Conservative CDU-man is visibly happy in Public, in TV Talk-Shows he is a regular guest. Now Jens Spahn as CDU Chairman Angela Merkel wants to follow. But who is the man who wanted to be as a student, Chancellor?

curriculum vitae of Jens Spahn in addition to the policy

Spahn grew up in Ottenstein, in North Rhine-Westphalia with two younger siblings. After his graduation, he completed a dual training as a Bank clerk. Even though he was already sitting in the Bundestag, he studied between 2003 and 2017 political science at the distance University of Hagen and received both the Bachelor’s and the Master’s title. to adopt

Jens Spahn and husband Daniel Funke: children

early on, he acknowledged his homosexuality, has admitted to, but only with 21, as him a party with a public Outing threatened. it is conceivable He himself says: “My homosexuality has hurt me never”.

2017 he is married to Daniel Funke, a journalist and head of the Berlin office of the magazine “Bunte”. He and his Partner want to adopt in the future, once children. At the Moment, to find the time. When he is not working, the Minister of health likes sports. He goes, where he finds the time, to the gym or Gencobahis doing Bicycle tours with his Partner.

+ CDU politician Jens Spahn and his life partner, Daniel Funke.©Reuters / Robert Schlesinger

Spahn put a large CDU-career

1995 Jens Spahn joined the Young Union and in 1997 the CDU. In 2002, he moved in for the first time as a direct candidate for his constituency, “Steinfurt I – Borken I” in the Bundestag. Since then, he has been elected at each election. Since November 2005, he was Vice-Chairman of the working group health of the CDU/CSU group in the Bundestag.

From 2009 to 2015, held Spahn, the chair of the working group on health and was the health policy spokesman of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group. Until July 2015, he was a regular member of the Committee for health, and by 2018, substitute member of the budget Committee. In the years from 2015 to 2018 Spahn was Parliamentary state Secretary in the Federal Ministry of Finance. Since 2014 he is part of the CDU Presidium.

In March 2018, Jens Spahn, Federal Minister for health. In the current government, he is the youngest Minister.

Political positions of Jens Spahn: Cannabis, abortion, Church

The Catholic is considered to be Conservative. He is a clear opponent of Merkel’s refugee policy. Spahn is for the restriction of dual citizenship and the introduction of Islam law. The level editor Florian Gathmann criticized Spahn as “Populist”.

a legalization of Cannabis has Jens Spahn, apart from medical application – reject. In a guest post for the Huffington Post, he summarized his Position in 2015. Jens Spahn says: “Whoever puts into perspective the consequences of regular Cannabis use, is on a dangerous track.”

The Minister of health is also an opponent of abortion. In an Interview with the “image” referred to the position against abortion supporter: “I standards wondering: When it comes to the lives of animals, there are some who now want to advertise for abortions, uncompromising. However, this debate will not sometimes take into account that it comes to unborn human life.“ For this statement he was learning from women’s rights and some of the media criticized.

financial and Europe politically, he is against any debt reduction for Greece and also for a prudent exit from the expansionary monetary policy of the European Central Bank. He calls for increased cooperation of the EU member States in the areas of defense, Migration, security, digitization, and is not in favour of debt mutualisation in the Eurozone.

in Spite of his faith, Jens Spahn criticized the churches, that they would often refer to socio-political issues. Also the attitude of the churches to homosexuality, he often criticized. He voted for the “marriage for All”.

Spahn on the CDU party conference a Chance?

As the first of the candidates published Spahn is a campaign Video. His Motto: A restart of the CDU and Germany. The Minister of health continues to have a significant Anti-Merkel course before the decisive CDU party Congress in 2018 in Hamburg – everything that matters in our News Ticker at the CDU party Congress. The ZDF made a mistake, as in the case of the Friedrich Merz, proclaimed already as the winner of the election by the way.

In the Conservative camp, Jens Spahn for the CDU could collect as party leader votes. With the prospect of a reboot and the rejection of Merkel’s refugee policy it can hope for a lot of approval. The Problem is, the Ex-Faction leader Friedrich Merz, the very same election campaign-Track drives. Only Merz in the case of the older party members higher affinity values. In the early surveys conducted by the Institute Emnid in the Auftrqag the “picture on Sunday” were Merz and the liberal candidate, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer clearly in the lead.

Only nine per cent of party members would choose Jens Spahn of the Christian democratic leader. The Westphalian is probably only an Outside chance for the post of party Chairman, as he loses both in the liberal than in the conservative wing votes to his opponents. Whether it is enough for the party presidency, you can also follow live on TV and in the Live-Stream of the CDU-party tags, such as* explained.

Also, these topics may interest you:

The new CDU General Secretary in the party Congress in Hamburg, Germany, has chosen Paul Ziemiak, head of the Junge Union.

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All Information about the three-way battle for the CDU presidency in our Ticker.

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