
Jennifer Lopez has been facing challenges in her career, with rumors of a potential split from her husband, Ben Affleck, adding to the mix. In an effort to revitalize her career, Jon Peters, a former producer who worked closely with the singer, has suggested a drastic change: transitioning to country music. Peters believes that Lopez needs to make a big change to get back on track and regain her footing in the entertainment world.

The singer’s career has seemingly taken a hit amid her rumored marital woes with Affleck. Reports suggest that she even canceled her scheduled tour due to poor ticket sales, adding to the pressure to bounce back in the industry. Peters, who previously worked with Lopez on the film “Money Train” in 1995, emphasized the need for her to pivot into country music to make a significant impact.

Peters shared his advice on a recent episode of “TMZ Investigates: JLo and Ben: Missed Warning Signs,” where he mentioned that a country or western album could be a game-changer for Lopez. He even offered to fund the project himself, highlighting the potential success it could bring by attracting a new audience.

In addition to career advice, Peters also weighed in on Lopez’s rumored marital issues with Affleck. He suggested that Lopez’s love addiction and the need for a man in her life might be contributing to the challenges in her relationships. TV host and addiction specialist Dr. Drew further explained the concept of love addiction, shedding light on the harmful effects it can have on relationships.

Recent reports have also indicated that Affleck clashed with Lopez’s creative team over her projects, expressing the need for her to overhaul her career. Sources close to Lopez revealed that Affleck believes she needs a better team behind her and has been at odds with some team members, causing tension behind the scenes. This clash highlights the challenges Lopez is facing in both her personal and professional life.

Despite efforts to save her marriage, sources suggest that Lopez may be ready to move on from her relationship with Affleck. Reports indicate that she is tired of trying to make things work and sees no further options to salvage the marriage. This decision comes after both Lopez and Affleck reportedly put in significant effort to keep their marriage afloat, but ultimately found it unsustainable due to their demanding careers.

Lopez’s decision to cancel her tour also reflects the challenges she is currently facing. The singer expressed her devastation at letting her fans down but emphasized the importance of prioritizing her family and personal life. While canceling the tour was a difficult decision, Lopez assured fans that she would make it up to them and expressed her love and gratitude for their support.

In conclusion, Jennifer Lopez is navigating a tumultuous period in her career and personal life, with various challenges and pressures impacting her decisions. As she considers the advice to transition to country music and evaluates her next career moves, Lopez remains focused on finding a balance between her professional success and personal well-being.