
Jack Quaid, who stars in the hit series “The Boys,” recently shared his dream guest star for the final season of the show. In an exclusive interview, Quaid mentioned that his ultimate guest star would be none other than his own mother, Meg Ryan. He expressed his excitement at the possibility of working with his talented mother on the show, calling it a full-circle moment in his career.

Quaid’s revelation has sparked excitement among fans of “The Boys,” who are eagerly anticipating the final season of the popular series. The actor’s close relationship with his mother adds an extra layer of emotion to his dream of having her join the cast for the show’s last hurrah.

In addition to his dream guest star reveal, Quaid also discussed his experience working on “The Boys” and the impact the show has had on his career. He shared insights into his character and the challenges of filming such a unique and groundbreaking series.

As fans eagerly await the final season of “The Boys,” Quaid’s dream guest star reveal has added an extra layer of anticipation to the show’s conclusion. The possibility of seeing mother and son share the screen in this exciting and action-packed series is sure to be a highlight for viewers.

With Quaid’s dream guest star in mind, the final season of “The Boys” promises to be an unforgettable and emotional ride for both the cast and fans alike. Stay tuned for more updates and announcements as the show prepares to wrap up its successful run.