
Disney Pixar’s Inside Out 2 has introduced a new character named Anxiety, who takes over the control panel in Headquarters. The film explores the challenges that teens face, including self-conscious emotions related to puberty, through the character of Riley. Anxiety is joined by other emotions like Envy, Embarrassment, and Ennui, leading to a complex emotional journey for Riley.

While anxiety is portrayed in a relatable and sometimes overwhelming way in the movie, experts suggest that moderate levels of anxiety can be helpful in certain situations. Anxiety is depicted as a character who means well but struggles to control her impact on Riley’s emotions. This portrayal can be a valuable conversation starter for parents and children, particularly those dealing with anxiety.

One pivotal scene in the film shows Riley experiencing an anxiety attack after accidentally hurting her friend during a hockey game. The symptoms of anxiety, such as a racing heart and sweating, are realistically depicted, prompting discussions about how anxiety manifests in real life. Parents like Sarah from Los Angeles appreciate the film’s representation of anxiety, as it helps normalize their children’s experiences and opens up dialogue about mental health.

Experts emphasize the importance of using films like Inside Out 2 as a tool to talk to kids about anxiety. By watching Riley navigate her emotions and overcome challenges, children can learn valuable lessons about resilience and coping strategies. The emotional depth of the movie allows families to connect with the characters and engage in meaningful discussions about mental health.

Overall, Inside Out 2 provides a nuanced portrayal of anxiety and its impact on individuals, especially during adolescence. The character of Anxiety serves as a reminder that emotions, even difficult ones, play a crucial role in shaping our experiences. By encouraging conversations about anxiety and mental health, the film offers families an opportunity to explore these topics in a supportive and empathetic manner.