There are two things that don’t seem to fit together. Because of the clear announcements of the world climate Council. The experts call for in their recent special report “rapid and far – reaching” changes in energy production, land use, urban development, industry, transport and construction. The only way the world still have a Chance of limiting global warming to one and a half degrees compared to pre-industrial time.

Up to the year 2030 would have to drop the emissions by 45 percent, if one takes the values of the year 2010 as a starting point. And at the latest by 2050, carbon dioxide emissions must be brought in the sum to zero.

if you want to achieve such huge targets, you must start now. No, actually, the day before yesterday. Hesitation is not an Option.

And as the international climate negotiations are on the other. Intended much – but they are definitely not implement it quickly.

1.5 or 2, or 3,2 degrees Plus?

If the next week, the climate diplomats in the world will meet to COP24 in Katowice, Poland, you will not speak again about speedy reductions. You will be filing instead, in endless meetings, further implementation details for the climate Treaty of Paris to reduce to the rules of the game for a agreement in the first place, starting in the year 2020, the exercises also the right not to be forced on the States, their greenhouse gas emissions. An agreement which voluntary Commitments are not enough currently for a year and a Half, or Two-degree target.

not Yet.

Rather go for 3.2 or 3.4 degrees Plus in the average. Because in some places, in the Arctic, for example, could increase the temperature much higher.

“this COP, one thinks of Nero, plays music, while he watches as Rome burns”, to anger environmentalists.

And it’s true: the host, Poland can be solved only with difficulty from the coal. The former climate-model pupil Germany, missed that’s why its national climate target for 2020.

U.S. President Donald Trump rüpelt America completely out of the climate Treaty. And Brazil’s new head of state, Jair Bolsonaro, has announced that his country is announced as the host of the next climate summit. And the contract itself does not fit him.

Well, it is: The dry, tough, often frustrating climate negotiations are important. It is no wonder seriously about an incredibly complex Problem like climate change needs a more complex search for solutions. Because it would be unfair to complain about a lack of pace. Even if the sluggishness is annoying, of course.

The negotiations are so slow, because the results can only have a global impact if really as good as all a part of it. The cost of power of Persuasion, and time. Otherwise it is not.

damage limitation

The climate diplomats have achieved in the past years, quite a lot. The specialists trust one another, have grasped the magnitude of the problem Betgram and can tackle the world together. Virtually all of the countries in the world recognize for a long time, how strong is the climate change our planet is changing – and something needs to happen. To keep first, the problem overall, as low as possible, and to mitigate and, secondly, the inevitable consequences for the most Affected, at least.

This is not a matter of course.

The climate negotiations have also ensured that the industrial countries on the one hand and developing and emerging countries face on the other side of unforgiving. China and India, for example, no longer drive your growth at any price at the expense of the environment. And just the government in Beijing sets already massively in renewable sources of energy.

Also, the fact that the announced withdrawal of the USA from the climate Treaty, has not brought the System of climate protection to completely collapse, is a merit of the climate diplomats. Representatives of almost all the countries have realized in the years of tough negotiations, what it is.

UN climate change conference in Katowice /iStockphoto All articles on the topic of MIRROR ONLINE

The explicitly includes the countless initiatives below the state level now. All of the efforts of individual Federal States, cities, and regions of the climate. All there is to this extent without the unifying force of the annual summit.

in order To not be misunderstood: the speed of The international climate diplomacy is not enough. But it is also not an Option, to mock about it – and stuck the head in the Sand. The global average temperatures will rise eventually anyway.

We reach the one and a Half-degree target, in practice, likely to be? Well, then, we are working to the best of our knowledge at the Two-degree target. We will not achieve despite great effort on the end also? Well, then maybe Two-point-One or Two-point-two.

The world will then be at the end of the century, a dramatically different than it is today: the de facto absence of coral reefs, the Arctic in the summer as well as ice-free, significant rise in sea level, this Trend will continue in the Rest of the for centuries.

Nevertheless, it is still worse then maybe avoided.

And if, then, climate diplomats and their lengthy, boring summit will be a crucial part of helped.

Well, then, that we all have talked about – this also applies to Katowice.