
Howie Mandel recently shared a humorous yet terrifying story about a night out with his wife, Terry Mandel, that took a scary turn during a trip to Las Vegas. The couple had been enjoying dinner and drinks in Sin City before heading back to their hotel room for the night. However, things went awry when Terry, who was tipsy, accidentally stumbled into a wall and injured her face.

Howie recounted waking up to the sound of Terry falling and finding her with serious injuries to her face. Despite his initial panic, Howie tried to help by moving her to the bed and attempting to stop the bleeding with towels. He even tried to use cold cans of soda from the minibar as makeshift ice packs, which didn’t go over well with Terry.

In a moment of panic, Howie called the front desk for help, and security guards arrived to assess the situation. Howie humorously joked that he appeared to be the main suspect in the scenario due to the blood on the floor and the cans of soda scattered around. Thankfully, Terry and Howie eventually made it to the hospital, where Terry, still intoxicated, had a humorous moment of confusion with the doctors.

Despite the frightening ordeal, Terry recovered from her injuries without any scars, much to Howie’s relief. The couple, who have been married for over 40 years and have three children together, met in high school and have a strong bond that has withstood the test of time.

Howie’s ability to recount the incident with humor and grace showcases the strength of their relationship and their ability to find laughter in even the most challenging situations. The story serves as a reminder of the power of love and resilience in overcoming unexpected obstacles, even in the midst of a scary and uncertain moment.