
After the much-anticipated films like The Fall Guy and Furiosa failed to attract large audiences at the box office, an animated sequel, Inside Out 2, managed to capture the hearts of moviegoers. The movie’s success can be attributed to families with kids, as well as Gen Z audiences.

According to a report by the Hollywood Reporter, nearly 40% of ticket buyers for Inside Out 2 were between the ages of 18 and 24, with teenagers aged 13 to 17 making up 23% of the audience. For Gen Z, who have grown up with various entertainment options at their fingertips, going to the theaters needs to be worth the time and money spent.

Young moviegoers are looking for an experience that feels like a must-see event, something that they can’t afford to miss. This shift in mindset has been influenced by the abundance of streaming services available today, making the choice between watching at home and going to the theaters a decision based on the value of the experience.

Moreover, Gen Z audiences are drawn to content that centers around friendships and platonic relationships rather than forced romance. They seek storylines that reflect real life while also being hopeful, uplifting, and authentic. Media serves as a space for adolescents to connect and feel a sense of belonging, as highlighted in the UCLA Teens and Screens report.

Social media campaigns have played a significant role in generating excitement around movie releases, driving younger audiences to theaters. The success of films like Barbie and Oppenheimer can be attributed to well-coordinated social media strategies that engaged audiences and created a buzz around the movies.

For Gen Z film enthusiasts, the moviegoing experience is defined by high expectations for elements like screen size and sound quality. IMAX theaters and formats that offer immersive viewing experiences are particularly appealing to younger audiences who seek a nostalgic feeling associated with going to the movies.

On the other hand, Gen Z moviegoers are turned off by storylines that feature gratuitous sex and portray social media usage in a superficial manner. They value content that focuses on meaningful relationships and avoids unnecessary sexual content that detracts from the overall narrative.

Overall, Gen Z audiences are looking for movie experiences that feel like cultural phenomena, events that they can be a part of and share with others. By understanding the preferences and expectations of young moviegoers, filmmakers and studios can continue to attract this demographic to theaters and create impactful and memorable cinematic experiences.