
Carrie Jade Williams, also known as Samantha Cookes, has left a trail of victims affected by her fraudulent schemes. Victims have shared their stories in an effort to raise awareness and prevent others from falling prey to her deceptions. Cookes, who has used various aliases, including Lucy Fitzwilliam and Sadie Harris, has engaged in scams by portraying herself as a writer and disability activist bravely fighting Huntington’s Disease while developing innovative technology for disabled individuals.

In one instance, Cookes posed as a surrogate mother to defraud a UK couple and pretended to be a psychologist for an Irish family seeking an assessment for their child. Upon moving to Ireland, she continued her deceitful practices, including subletting her Kerry rental property on Airbnb without the landlord’s knowledge.

Victims have recounted their encounters with Cookes, who infiltrated their lives under false pretenses. She presented herself as a therapist capable of providing special needs assistance, offering services that she was not qualified to deliver. One victim, Lynn McDonald, detailed how Cookes, using the alias Lucy Fitzwilliam, manipulated her and her daughter Ellie, preying on their vulnerabilities and gaining their trust.

Despite Cookes’ attempts to appear genuine, her true intentions eventually surfaced, revealing her as a scam artist who exploited the trust of those around her. Individuals who interacted with her, including former neighbors and acquaintances, recounted instances where Cookes displayed controlling behavior and charged exorbitant fees for services she was unqualified to provide.

The impact of Cookes’ fraudulent activities extended beyond financial losses, as victims described feeling a sense of betrayal and loss of trust. The podcast “The Real Carrie Jade” by RTÉ’s Doc on One sheds light on the deceptive practices of individuals like Cookes, highlighting the need for vigilance and awareness when dealing with unfamiliar individuals.

Through their testimonies, victims of Carrie Jade Williams, also known as Samantha Cookes, hope to prevent others from falling victim to similar scams. By sharing their experiences, they aim to raise awareness about the dangers of trusting individuals who may not have genuine intentions, urging others to exercise caution and skepticism when engaging with unfamiliar individuals offering services that seem too good to be true.