
The ongoing feud between beauty influencer Nina and Gypsy Rose Blanchard has escalated to new heights as they continue to trade barbs on social media. Gypsy, who was released on parole in December, has been the subject of Nina’s TikTok videos, sparking a back-and-forth that has left fans stunned.

In a recent video, Gypsy mocked Nina, claiming her boyfriend wouldn’t be interested in her and referring to Nina as “Chad.” Nina fired back with her own video, taking a jab at Gypsy’s past and her mother. The online sparring has left social media users shocked and entertained, with many praising Nina’s clap back.

The conflict between the two influencers seems to have originated from Nina’s shift in perspective after learning about Gypsy’s past and the tragic events that led to her mother’s death. Nina now believes that Gypsy needs to distance herself from the crime and take responsibility.

One of the key points of contention in the feud is Nina’s claim that Gypsy’s boyfriend, Ken Urker, reached out to her for drinks, an allegation that Gypsy vehemently denies. The situation only added fuel to the fire, leading to further tension between the two women.

As the online battle rages on, it’s clear that both Nina and Gypsy are not backing down. Despite attempts to reach out to Gypsy for comment, she has remained silent on the matter. The drama between the two influencers continues to unfold, leaving fans eagerly awaiting the next move in this social media showdown.