
Gypsy Rose Blanchard, who was in prison for eight and a half years after pleading guilty to second-degree murder for conspiring to kill her mom, Clauddine ‘Dee Dee’ Blanchard, had formed relationships with other women while incarcerated. One of these women, Tuesday Sparks, shared her perspective exclusively with The Blast.

Although Tuesday was not Gypsy’s cellmate for long, she had interacted with her in the same housing unit. They bonded over mutual interests such as Kim Kardashian and makeup. Tuesday mentioned that Gypsy never talked about the crime she committed but did discuss the trauma that led to it. She emphasized that Gypsy was not the type of person to brag about killing her mother while in prison.

Despite facing backlash from the public since her release on parole, Tuesday believes that Gypsy deserves a fresh start and should not be subjected to hate. She stressed the importance of not spreading false information about others and refraining from bullying. Tuesday expressed that while there are bad people in the world who deserve to be in prison forever, she does not consider Gypsy to be one of them.

In conclusion, Tuesday highlighted the need for kindness and understanding towards others, especially those who have faced difficult circumstances. She urged people to make their own judgments based on current actions rather than past mistakes. Tuesday’s insights shed light on the complexities of human behavior and the importance of compassion in the face of judgment and criticism.