plagiarism accusations against the Minister for the family, Franziska Giffey: CDU leader, Kramp-Karrenbauer is making the pressure for the case that the allegations substantiated.

Update from the 12. May:

CDU-Boss Annegret Kramp-karrenbauer, suggests the SPD, a detachment of Federal Minister for family Affairs, Franziska Giffey, if the suspicion of plagiarism against the social confirm Democrat. “First of all, the output of the current proceedings should be awaited,” said Kramp-Karrenbauer

Welt am Sonntag

. “Should the accusations be confirmed, I’m going to assume that the SPD applies to your own Minister the same standards she has applied to the Union Minister. When she does, the answer is clearly,“ said Kramp-Karrenbauer on the question of whether Giffey’s family could remain a Minister.

Kramp-Karrenbauer had been addressed in the Interview in addition to the cases of former defense Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg (CSU) and the former education Minister Annette Schavan (CDU). Both of them were resigned after their PhD had been revoked due to accusations of plagiarism, but. In both cases, the SPD had demanded the resignation.

The Free University of Berlin (FU) checks Giffeys PhD work since February because of plagiarism suspicion. The SPD politician had asked the University itself to do so after the plagiarism hunters of the website VroniPlag had objected to several Points. At the same time, Giffey stressed, you have written the work “to the best of our Knowledge and belief”.

“Naive, flawed, irresponsible”: a Professor advises Giffey because of the suspicion of plagiarism to the resignation

Update from the 2. April: The Emeritus Professor and social scientist Peter Grottian, who was at the FU Berlin – University of Franziska Giffey PhD – advises the Minister for the family, in a guest article for the Süddeutsche Zeitung, the doctor title, to revoke and withdraw. The “Vroniplag Wiki,” shortcomings identified were serious – they would presumably always lead to the withdrawal of the doctor title. The plagiarism case was “more serious than the Schavan and less serious than in the case of Guttenberg,” says Grottian.

Giffey have “from the scientific Work, only a pale glimmer”

The defects would show in particular that, “Giffey from the craft of scientific work has a clue,” writes Grottian in the SZ. And: “Giffey demonstrates an often naive, faulty and irresponsible relation to their subject.” One Problem is that Giffey would employ in working with yourself, what could have been a lack of scientific distance: In the work of the family focused Minister, then a European officer, with the participation of civil society in the EU policy on the example of Berlin-Neukölln.

the supervisor is to criticize: you have to remember that and work in other cars have to steer. The work would not have been different, or not written, that “science and self-interest collide,” says Grottian.

plagiarism against Franziska Giffey – the Minister of family Affairs

Update 9 says. February : Now has reported familienminist pure Franziska Giffey himself to the plagiarism allegations. “I have written this work to the best of our Knowledge and belief. Everything must now evaluate the Free University of Berlin. That’s why I asked you to test my work,“ she writes on Fcebook.

a Serious case? – Plagiarism against Minister from Merkel’s Cabinet

The News of 8. February: Berlin – Due to a plagiarism suspicion of the Free University of Berlin (FU) reviewed the PhD thesis of Minister for the family, Franziska Giffey. The SPD-politician has asked the University itself to this examination, as the news magazine Spiegel reported. The University stated that it would comply with this request, and “a fair procedure”.

according to The report, the plagiarism examine hunters of the website VroniPlag Giffeys work. Would have found you numerous literal or analogous text to the acquisitions, which were not characterized. “According to my previous impression, this is a serious case,” said the lawyer, and VroniPlag-player Gerhard Dannemann of the magazine.

Giffey earned a doctorate from 2005 to 2009 in the area of political science at the Otto-Suhr Institute of the Free University of Berlin. Her doctoral Dissertation, she wrote on the topic of “Europe’s way to the citizens – the policy of The European Commission for the participation of civil society”.

Also interesting: accusations of plagiarism! The next CDU-size stumbles on her doctoral thesis
