
Gabby Petito’s private letters to Brian Laundrie, which were recently released by the FBI, shed light on their tumultuous relationship before her tragic murder. According to forensic psychiatrist Dr. Ziv Cohen, these emotional letters serve as a “confirmatory piece of evidence” of the toxic nature of their romance.

In one of the letters, Gabby expressed her love for Brian but also addressed his allegedly manipulative behavior, urging him to stop calling her names and to understand that they are a team. She emphasized the pain she felt when he was upset and pleaded with him to stop crying. The letters revealed Gabby’s struggle with effectively communicating her emotions to Brian.

Dr. Cohen analyzed the letters and noted that while they may not contain explicit evidence of abuse, they do indicate signs of a toxic relationship. He mentioned a previous incident where the police were called due to a domestic violence situation involving the couple, further supporting the idea of a troubled dynamic between Gabby and Brian.

The psychiatrist highlighted the importance of communication in relationships and mentioned that writing down one’s feelings, as Gabby did in the letters, can be a helpful therapeutic tool. However, he acknowledged that the true nature of Gabby and Brian’s relationship will never be fully known.

Gabby Petito’s tragic disappearance in 2021, followed by the discovery of her body in the Bridger-Teton National Forest, shook the nation. Brian Laundrie, her fiancĂ©, became the subject of a manhunt after returning home without Gabby and eventually took his own life. His confession in a journal revealed the horrifying truth of Gabby’s murder.

The release of Gabby’s letters has provided a glimpse into the emotional turmoil she experienced in her relationship with Brian. While the letters may not provide definitive proof of abuse, they offer valuable insights into the dynamics of their toxic romance. The case serves as a tragic reminder of the importance of healthy communication and mutual respect in relationships.