With the full moon this Thursday, May 23, 2024, an energy of creativity and positivity is coming into our lives. Discover its effects on your astrological sign.

The full moon in May should bring with it spring freshness and a desire for adventure. Occurring at the time of year when nature flourishes, it’s not called the “full flower moon” for nothing! In spring 2024, it falls this Thursday, May 23 at 3:53 p.m. under the sign of Sagittarius, a Fire sign. Hang in there because this full Moon may be full of emotions for certain signs!

Sagittarius, Taurus and Leo ride the wave

The Full Flower Moon should infuse positive energy into different signs of the zodiac. If you are under the sign of Sagittarius, this is your Full Moon. You will feel full of energy and particularly sensitive to the emotions that pass through you. In Femme Actuelle magazine, astrologer Isabelle Elvira advises you to take advantage of this state of mind “to become aware of your feelings, your mistakes and possibly the consequences of your actions with a former love.” Take advantage of the energy provided by the full Moon to invest in projects that are important to you. According to astrologer Natasha Merani from Marie France magazine, all the lights are green for Taureans who benefit from a positive aura and can take advantage of this period to make decisions. “Dare to change without fear” says the astrologer. Same story on the Leo side who will have the chance to enjoy an optimistic atmosphere conducive to “the expression of one’s personality and romance”…

Virgo, Capricorn and Pisces in turmoil

For other signs, this astrological configuration should bring with it some difficulties. This is the case of Virgo who could see a few grains of sand slip into a well-oiled daily life. Between tensions and misunderstandings within the home, we will have to show diplomacy. In the same way, if you are Capricorn, you will have to make the effort to throw yourself into the void and take risks. “Take the plunge,” advises Natasha Merani. For Pisces, the period should prove to be troubled but could well turn out in your favor if you make informed choices directed towards your family life.

Beneficial energy for most signs

The general trend of this flower full moon is towards “positive questioning” reports Isabelle Elvira. All other signs, Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Libra, Scorpio and Aquarius, are therefore invited to explore their own personality as well as that of their loved ones. This is a time conducive to improvisation which allows us to more easily embark on adventures. According to Natasha Merani, it will also be a period where good humor dominates and offers us the opportunity to take care of our social relationships.