The large fires in California have claimed more victims. At the “Camp”-fire in the North of the Federal state, the number of dead up to Thursday evening rose to 63, as in the course of the day, seven more bodies were discovered, such as the Sheriff of Butte County, Kory Honea told. These are more Deaths than ever before in a fire in the state since the beginning of the records.

in Addition, Honea explained that the number of Missing persons have increased, according to the latest counts from 200 to now 631. Investigators have evaluated, among other things, emergency calls after the outbreak of the forest fire a week ago. It had been an “extraordinary Chaos”.

In the almost completely burned down village of Paradise was on Thursday in the houses ruins to search for the Missing. Hundreds of workers in white protective suits and specially-trained sniffer dogs continued to ?lbet search for possible Remains. Relatives provided DNA Material available to help in the identification of Remains. Many of the recovered bodies are burned beyond recognition.

Video: forensic experts search for human Remains


In southern California in Malibu, Northwest of Los Angeles, the “Woolsey”-the fire rages on. The number of fatalities was yet to two. A total of 65 people have died so far due to the devastating fire.

Both fire together destroyed hundreds of square miles of forest and thousands of homes. The effects of the disaster were felt in many Parts of California. The authorities have been warning of dangerous exposure to Smoke and poor air quality. In San Francisco was set on Thursday, the operation of the popular Cable-Car-tracks. Instead of the open lanes, buses would be used, informed the transport authority.

More on the topic of fire disaster, Why is it in California so often

On Saturday, burns will travel to the US President Donald Trump to California, to meet with those Affected by the severe forest fires.
