
The beloved sitcom, The Facts of Life, which aired on NBC from 1979 to 1988, is facing some drama among its cast members. Mindy Cohn, known for playing Natalie on the show, revealed that a potential revival of the series was ruined by a “greedy” co-star. This revelation has caused tension among the four main stars of the show, including Kim Fields (Tootie), Lisa Whelchel (Blair), and Nancy McKeon (Jo).

The drama unfolded after a mini cast reunion for ABC’s Live in Front of a Studio Audience special in December 2021. Norman Lear, the producer of the special and The Facts of Life, expressed interest in a revival after seeing the positive response to the reunion. A writer was hired, and the four women had Zoom meetings to discuss the project. However, things took a sour turn when one of the actresses allegedly tried to make a separate deal for a spin-off without consulting the rest of the cast. This betrayal led to hurt feelings and a breakdown in the 40-year friendship and sisterhood among the cast members.

While Cohn did not name the actress in question, she hinted that fans could guess based on her Instagram posts. Despite the rift, Lisa Whelchel has emphasized that her friendship with her former co-stars is genuine and that they continue to be close. However, Cohn expressed that she has no desire to work with the actress again after the trust was broken.

In terms of their current projects, Cohn is keeping busy with a recurring role in Palm Royale starring Kristen Wiig. Whelchel hosts Collector’s Call on MeTV, and Fields is involved in the Netflix comedy series The Upshaws. McKeon reunited with her former Facts of Life co-stars for Lifetime’s Light Up My Christmas in 2019 and also appeared on Amazon Prime’s horror series Panic in 2021.

Despite the tensions and broken trust, the legacy of The Facts of Life lives on through the work of its talented cast members. The show, which featured iconic house moms portrayed by Charlotte Rae and later Cloris Leachman, continues to hold a special place in the hearts of fans. While a revival may be off the table for now, the impact of the show and the friendships formed during its production remain cherished memories for all involved.