
Liz Carter, the talented floral designer behind Unwilted, a botanical paper flower delivery company, shared her expertise and tips for creating beautiful bouquets. Carter’s passion for flowers began at a young age, but it truly blossomed when she opened her flower shop in Colorado. After years in the industry, she noticed the short lifespan of fresh cut flowers and the waste they generate, prompting her to launch a sustainable alternative using Italian crepe paper.

Unlike fresh flowers, Unwilted bouquets are hassle-free and last a lifetime, making them a meaningful and enduring gift. Carter emphasized the importance of balance in creating the perfect bouquet, recommending a mix of textures, colors, and shapes to achieve a striking arrangement. She encouraged experimentation with styles and color combinations to add depth and visual interest.

In addition to bouquet tips, Carter shared her advice on hosting memorable events. She highlighted the significance of comfortable seating, delicious food, and a relaxed atmosphere in creating a cozy vibe. Mixing high and low elements in gatherings can help set the mood and make guests feel at ease. Carter’s creative approach includes serving takeout pizza on cherished family dishes or providing craft paper and crayons for guests to engage in playful activities during formal dinners.

Overall, Liz Carter’s expert tips offer valuable insights for both creating stunning bouquets and hosting unforgettable events. With her innovative approach to floral design and event planning, she continues to inspire others to infuse beauty and meaning into every celebration.