in Spite of minor successes have not been able to take the Green since the turn of foot in the East and struggling with a poor Image. Currently, the polls look good in the countries in which elections are pending. How to vote in it until the autumn?

It is cold and grey and wet, but on this image the Green does not want to do without tip. The city bridge in Frankfurt / Oder between Germany and Poland, but it doesn’t feel that way to the border.

That the city shares with the Polish town of Slubice, not only the transport but also the heat supply, is for Green party leader Anna Lena Baerbock is an example of how it can work – even in an Eastern German city that has lost after the fall of the Berlin wall, tens of thousands of inhabitants. Baerbock speaks of the “re-emergence”.

The Greens during the election campaign in the East – the values are better

On the bridge Baerbock, Co-party leader Robert Habeck and her colleagues with signs that say “freedom” and “democracy”. The Green Board is here for a two-day retreat, to find a positive narrative.

Not only for the European elections in may, but also for the Landtag elections in Brandenburg, Saxony and Thuringia in autumn. Elections, where the Greens have a special respect, because in the East you do hard. In the Bundestag election in the autumn of 2017, you came to the votes in Brandenburg to five per cent of the second, in Thuringia and Saxony even less.

But now there is hope. “We now have this year a Chance, that we can sit permanently above the 6-7-8-percent Zone,” says Michael Kellner, of the national Director. Polls give him right: Nine percent in Saxony, Thuringia and Brandenburg, even twelve. For Eastern conditions, the sensational. The General green in flight near the halfway line, the values in the East.

values and votes: The Green relies on social balance

the, but also in the choice of voices to turn to, put the Greens on a “new solidarity in Germany”, and on social compensation. The suspended communities should be helped with a Fund from the debt trap. The solos should be converted to be abolished and to provide for buses and trains, day care centers and midwives in the country. New authorities and other institutions should be located in the East.

so, It’s a lot of money. Waiter analyzed: In the East, the “economic protection zones” are smaller, there is less wealth there, people inherited less and less. Therefore, these fears of change are greater – “understandable way”. Change is, however, in the case of the Green program – Coal phase-out, transport, turn, climate change.

danger of disenchantment: Habecks Statements caused excitement

in addition, it is important to keep up the momentum from last year. The recovery began after the end of the Jamaica-soundings with the Union and the FDP, and won the election Habecks and Baerbocks right to travel. The hustle and bustle of Habecks Twitter-abuse and his farewell to Twitter and Facebook must remain an exception, otherwise the disenchantment threatens.

Habecks formulation “We try to make everything in order that Thuringia is an open, free, liberal, democratic country, an ecological country” in many very poor and fits too well into the Image of the arrogant “Better-Wessi-party”, with the Green in the East to fight. If the Ost elections are lost, could dispute and bad surveys make the Green soon.

The Green may not want to be arrogant

the impression of arrogance and the need to avoid the Green. Your decision is “Not above and not below”, a quote from the “children’s anthem” by Bertolt Brecht. Baerbock and Habeck speak of a “unit at eye level”, which had finally to come and look critically at their own party’s history.

Whether the plans, it will show. The designated Saxon top candidate and country tags-group-in-chief Wolfram Günther shows Confidence: “We have also in East Germany a massive mood swing to the Greens,” he says. Many had become with the Encroachments of Rights in Chemnitz clear that the social standing of cohesion on the Brink. New members there were in the country, where never Green in the local Council had sat.

review: Why it is the party

had after 1989 in the East, it is difficult What to make of it, that the Greens were able to take the turn to the East, difficult to walk? A waiter, coming out of Thuringia, looks back: they had built up after 1989, the party in East Germany “completely new”. And a big Problem: In the “progressive spectrum”, so potentially for the Green Response, has been frowned upon after the experience with the SED in the GDR, a party membership “course total”. “That’s why from the start we had very little members.”

The Greens have also helped that after 1990 in the former GDR a lot of the obvious destruction of the environment rapidly improved – in order for an “anchor point have been missing”. The merger with the East German Bündnis 90, in the name of the party is still visible, you do not have the Green long too far forward. “As we have made, in my opinion, error,” says the waiter. “We stress the Covenant idea in the last few years, much stronger.”

Now, the Green to the Front

last but Not least look reminiscent of the waiter, that the West green, presented in 1990 in the best shape – in the General election they did not make the Five percent hurdle. “All of this has not made it easier.” Now, almost 30 years after the fall of the wall, want to strip away the Green of this difficult history.

read also to Anna Lena Baerbock, and Robert Habeck: Realo Pair for the riser: Habeck and Baerbock the Green

Green politician Katrin Göring-Eckardt announced now Changes for 2021 :

in the Middle of in the Opinion the Green: Göring-Eckardt surprising announcement
