
Donald Trump recently discussed his relationship with former “The Apprentice” star Omarosa Manigault Newman, shedding light on why he hired her and ultimately let her go. Trump acknowledged that Omarosa was a success on the reality show but cited her tardiness and unpopularity as the reasons her White House stint did not work out. He revealed that hiring Omarosa was an experimental move to test her loyalty and trustworthiness.

The former president admitted that people in Washington did not like Omarosa, attributing this to her constant lateness and personality. Despite her successful run on “The Apprentice,” Omarosa’s behavior in the White House did not align with expectations, leading to her dismissal by White House Chief of Staff John Kelly in December of 2017.

Trump explained that he knew Omarosa would be a troublesome hire but proceeded with it nonetheless as an experiment to identify loyal and trustworthy individuals. He mentioned that he anticipated challenges when hiring her and was proven right when she left and published a tell-all book about her time in his circle.

During her tenure at the White House, Omarosa was appointed as an assistant to the president and director of communications for the Office of Public Liaison. However, her time in the administration was short-lived, with Trump commenting on her lack of presence and unfavorable reputation among colleagues. Despite his reservations about hiring her, Trump acknowledged that Omarosa had initially been supportive of him and only turned against him after leaving the White House and securing a book deal.

Omarosa’s decision to write a tell-all book about her experiences with Trump did not seem to faze the former president, who dismissed the importance of the controversial information she shared. He mentioned her financial losses and personal drama, indicating a lack of concern regarding her revelations about his administration.

In response to Omarosa’s skepticism about Trump’s potential re-election bid, the former reality star expressed doubts about his chances, particularly if he were to face legal challenges. Omarosa’s comments implied that Trump’s legal troubles could hinder his ability to mount a successful presidential campaign in the future.

Overall, Trump’s reflections on his interactions with Omarosa shed light on the complexities of their relationship and the challenges that arose from her transition from reality TV star to White House staffer. Despite initial success on “The Apprentice,” Omarosa’s tenure in the administration was marred by controversy and ultimately led to her departure and subsequent tell-all book publication. The insights provided by Trump offer a glimpse into the dynamics of his administration and the impact of hiring decisions on the political landscape.