
Chinese distributor Cmc Pictures has acquired the global rights, except for China, to the highly anticipated spy thriller film “Decoded” from renowned filmmaker Chen Sicheng. The movie is set to be released in theaters in North America, the U.K., Australia, New Zealand, and other major international markets after its debut in China in the latter part of the year. Additionally, Cmc is exploring offering the theatrical rights to more territories, such as Southeast Asia, during the Shanghai International Film Festival.

“Decoded” is based on the best-selling Chinese spy novel by Jia Mai, which was translated into English in 2002. The star-studded cast includes Liu Haoran, Daniel Wu, Chen Daoming, and Chen Yusi, among others. Chen Sicheng, known for the successful “Detective Chinatown” franchise that has grossed over $1.2 billion in China, serves as the director and co-writer of the screenplay for “Decoded.”

The Hollywood Reporter – Movie News reported this update on June 18, 2024, by journalist Patrick Brzeski. The film is expected to captivate audiences with its thrilling storyline and stellar performances by the talented cast members.

In addition to the release of “Decoded,” other entertainment news has been making headlines recently. From new film projects to exciting TV show developments, the industry is buzzing with activity. Fans can look forward to a variety of new releases and announcements in the coming months.

As the global film industry continues to evolve, collaborations between international distributors and filmmakers play a crucial role in bringing diverse stories to audiences worldwide. The acquisition of “Decoded” by Cmc Pictures marks another step towards promoting cultural exchange and creativity in the entertainment sector.

Stay tuned for more updates on the release of “Decoded” and other exciting developments in the world of cinema. Get ready to embark on a thrilling cinematic journey with this highly anticipated spy thriller that is set to captivate audiences around the globe.