
David Beckham has been accused of cheating on his wife, Victoria, multiple times throughout their 25-year marriage. A new book by British journalist Tom Bower, titled “The House of Beckham,” sheds light on the alleged affairs that have plagued the famous couple over the years. While some of these allegations are not new, the book compiles them all in one place, painting a damning picture of the couple’s relationship.

One of the most shocking revelations in the book is that David Beckham was allegedly caught in bed with a model, Esther Cañadas, by his former assistant, Rebecca Loos. The incident reportedly took place at a party at Cristiano Ronaldo’s villa in Spain, where Victoria frantically called Loos to track down her husband. This scandalous affair is just one of many extramarital relationships detailed in the book.

Despite facing numerous challenges in their marriage, including rumors of infidelity and public scrutiny, David and Victoria Beckham have managed to stay together for the sake of their brand, “Brand Beckham.” The couple’s combined net worth has continued to grow over the years, with David’s ventures in soccer and entertainment licensing contributing significantly to their wealth.

In addition to detailing the alleged affairs, the book also delves into Victoria’s insecurities and cosmetic procedures. According to Bower, Victoria has undergone multiple breast enhancement surgeries, leading her to describe her breasts as “wonky raspberries pointing in different directions.” The book suggests that Victoria’s dissatisfaction with her appearance may have contributed to the strain in their marriage.

Despite their lavish lifestyle and high-profile status, the Beckhams have been accused of being cheapskates in certain situations. Stories of David refusing to tip a waitress and Victoria neglecting to leave a tip at a restaurant have circulated in the media. These anecdotes offer a glimpse into the couple’s frugal habits, despite their immense wealth.

Overall, “The House of Beckham” provides a comprehensive look at the ups and downs of David and Victoria Beckham’s marriage, highlighting the challenges they have faced over the years. From alleged infidelities to financial controversies, the book offers a glimpse behind the glamorous facade of one of the world’s most famous couples.