CULTURAL PASS. As the start of the school year approaches, Emmanuel Macron has extended the government system to sixth-grade students, whereas until now it was reserved for young people aged 15 to 18. How do I get it and for how long?

[Updated on August 25, 2022 at 12:52 p.m.] This Thursday, August 25, during the back-to-school meeting of academy rectors held at the Sorbonne in Paris, the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron extended the pass culture to pupils from the sixth grade, whereas until then it had been reserved exclusively for young people aged 15 to 18.

“We want school for all. School should be the breeding ground where equality of opportunity grows, not the terrain of social reproduction. School should be a breeding ground stirred up by republican solidarity, enlivened from start to finish by the same faith in the effort and in the transmission”, affirmed Emmanuel Macron during this meeting.

In the form of an application to be downloaded on your smartphone or computer, the culture pass will allow access to a credit of 20 euros for young people from 6 to 15 years old, and 30 euros for people aged 16 and 17 years old . In addition to this sum paid on the mobile application, a “collective” part is allocated to schools, to allow school outings. These credits, which can be carried over from one year to another, must be exhausted by the beneficiary’s 18th birthday. For people aged 18, the credit is 300 euros, valid for 24 months, usable for digital (100 euros) or “physical” (200 euros) cultural offers after registration and filling out a file.

How can young people benefit? We detail all the conditions of access, as well as the catalog of offers made available by the culture pass:

These conditions are required to benefit from the Culture Pass:

A mobile application called Pass culture is now available free of charge. Just download it from GooglePlay for Android phones or from the AppleStore for iPhones. A website has also been put online: You must then complete a registration form. Several documents are necessary to prove their identity and verify whether the eligibility conditions are met.

The registration is then checked and confirmed by sending an e-mail. Once their file has been validated, the eligible person can then create their account and see it credited. Shows, activities or cultural products can be booked directly in the app by accessing the catalogue. Each reservation sees its amount deducted from the allocated balance. In exchange, the user receives a QR Code to present at the entrance or in the store.

The pass culture application includes geolocation functions to offer cultural offers nearby. Cinema outings but also exhibitions or cultural encounters are thus offered. Courses or sessions of artistic disciplines are also part of the catalog.

The culture pass also allows you to subscribe to streaming services such as Deezer for music, OCS, FilmoTV or Canal for TV series or online press subscriptions. Another possibility is to buy “physical” cultural goods, such as books, records or a musical instrument. The user chooses his book, cd, dvd… then picks it up from a bookstore, music store or major retailer, such as Fnac, which is a partner in the operation.

The culture pass allows you to subscribe to streaming offers. Tenk, a documentary cinema platform, is notably available but also OCS, FilmoTV or Canal . Netflix is ??not one of them, like Amazon Prime and Disney. “We explain to them that this will undoubtedly be the case the day Netflix fulfills its tax obligations and participation in the financing of French creation”, explained at the end of 2020 the director of Pass culture Damien Cuier.

Yes, but only some are offered. These are those eligible for the video game tax credit and the video game assistance fund. Also excluded are those with violent or pornographic content.