
Coldplay Reduces Carbon Emissions by 59% on Tour

5 Jun

The British band announced on their social media that they have exceeded their sustainability goals on their “Music of the Spheres” tour. Coldplay shared an update on their sustainable world tour, which began in March 2022, stating that they have reduced carbon emissions by 59% compared to their previous tour.

“When we first announced the ‘Music Of The Spheres Tour’ in 2021, we committed to reducing our direct carbon emissions (from show production, transportation, band travel, and crew) by at least 50 percent,” they wrote in their post. “We are pleased to report that the direct CO2 emissions from the first two years of this tour are 59 percent lower than our previous stadium tour (2016-17), on a show-by-show comparison. These figures were verified by the MIT Environmental Solutions Initiative.”

The actions they are taking at their shows include a dance floor that generates electricity when fans jump and a reduction in air travel. They have also planted seven million trees as part of their commitment to plant a tree for every person attending the concerts.

“As a band and as an industry, we are far from where we need to be on this, but we are grateful for everyone’s help so far and commend all those making efforts to push things in the right direction,” they expressed.

Professor John Fernández from the MIT Environmental Solutions Initiative praised the band for once again setting a new standard for the entire music industry. “For some time now, Coldplay has been leading by example in taking seriously and acting on the various interconnected environmental and social challenges facing humanity; climate change, biodiversity loss, air and water pollution, environmental injustice, and more,” Fernández stated.

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