
Famous personalities like Lewis Hamilton and Pippa Middleton have faced embarrassing moments at Wimbledon in recent years. Lewis Hamilton was denied entry to the Royal Box at Wimbledon for not following the dress code, while Pippa Middleton and her mother Carole Middleton were relegated to standard seats for arriving late.

The Royal Box at Wimbledon is reserved for the royal family and special guests, with strict rules regarding attire. In 2015, Lewis Hamilton arrived late and without a shirt and tie, leading to his exclusion from the prestigious seating area. Despite being asked to comply with the dress code, Hamilton left the venue after a brief disagreement.

Pippa Middleton and her mother Carole Middleton also faced a similar situation at Wimbledon in 2017. The duo arrived late for Andy Murray’s match and were unable to secure seats in the Royal Box, having to settle for standard seats instead. This incident highlights the importance of punctuality and adherence to rules, even for well-known personalities.

While the Royal Box at Wimbledon is a coveted spot for celebrities and VIP guests, it is essential to respect the traditions and regulations of the event. Both Lewis Hamilton and Pippa Middleton learned this lesson the hard way, emphasizing the significance of following protocol in prestigious settings like Wimbledon.