In the Arizona desert have been rescued a 53-year-old woman: she was at 12. October of so far unknown cause with your car ran off the road, through a broken fence and 15 feet deep like. The authorities announced on Wednesday.

Consequently, you then spent several days in your car. Then she climbed into the open and tried to run rails railway to get help. Because of her injuries she was not able to, however, it is up to the target.

Six days after the car accident two employees of the transport authorities, as well as a cattle breeder wanted to lock a COP on the edge of the highway to a pasture. In the process, they noticed a hole in the fence near the town of Canlı Bahis Wickenburg, about an hour and a half North East of Phoenix. They discovered tire tracks, followed them and came upon the accident car. Since no one was sitting Inside, the men finally on the search for the driver.

they Found around 450 meters distance: In a dried up river bed, they discovered the woman. She was dehydrated, according to the hard and injured, but responsive. A rescue helicopter had brought in a hospital.

the head of The local security authority, Colonel Frank Milstead, thanked the volunteers and his staff. “Thanks to your outstanding efforts, the life of this woman was saved,” he wrote in a press release.
