
Bruno Gagliasso and Giovanna Ewbank Recall Unusual Incident During Wedding: “Drunk Priest”

Married since 2010, after a few months of dating, Bruno Gagliasso and Giovanna Ewbank once again stole the spotlight by recalling an unusual episode involving their own wedding ceremony. The actors revealed that a series of unexpected events took over their special day.

According to the couple, the priest who conducted the ceremony was drunk and even mixed up Giovanna Ewbank’s name during the celebration. The revelations were made by Bruno Gagliasso and his wife backstage at Conversa com Bial, with the episode set to air on Valentine’s Day, next Wednesday (12).

“Bruno has already gotten married drunk. The priest… also drunk. Can you believe the priest called me Pamela, who is my cousin? In the middle of the ceremony, the priest said ‘Pamela, do you accept to marry Bruno?’. Then I said, ‘It’s Giovanna!’, and he said, ‘Bruno, do you accept to marry Pamela?’. Bruno immediately said, ‘Let’s go with Pamela then’,” Ewbank narrated.

According to Gagliasso, the confusion arose because the presenter’s cousin, Pamela, was the one who brought the priest to officiate the ceremony. “Long story short, I married two people,” joked the actor, finding humor in the episode.

Still in the video, Bruno mentioned that he had a lot of fun with the whole situation, but his wife, who was tired, did not take the awkward moment lightly. In jest, the lovebirds chose their first time together in Fernando de Noronha (PE), the trip to Malawi, the adoption of Titi, the marriage proposal, and Zyan’s birth as memorable moments.

By the way, recently, during an episode of Surubaum, a program the couple hosts on YouTube, Giovanna Ewbank revealed that she had to deal with criticism when she started dating Bruno Gagliasso.

“When I met Bruno, he was already very famous. I was just starting out, in my second Globo soap opera, and when I started dating him, everyone told me that I was a social climber, that I was after fame, money,” the famous actress recalled.

The presenter also mentioned that during the wedding, they had guests placing bets on how long the marriage would last. “At my wedding, they asked: ‘So, how long do you think it will last?’. Later I found out who it was and cut ties completely,” Gioh said.