Sounds too good to be true: those Who drink with pleasure a glass of red wine, play. How to do that, found out a neuro-scientist.

wine lovers regularly discuss not only the taste of a wine, but also the positive effects on health. It should be in small doses, is good for the heart, valuable antioxidants, include, and brand new: our brain a workout! This theory is widespread neuroscientist Gordon Shepherd in his book “Neuroenology: How the Brain Creates the taste of Wine”.

Therefore, the consumption of wine promotes our brain activities

So he is of the firm Conviction that wine tasting stimulates the brain better than the Solving of math problems, or Listening to music. Gordon Shepherd, Professor of neuroscience at Yale School of Medicine in New Haven, Connecticut. His research is concerned with the effect of wine enjoyment to the brain activities.

Shepherd analysed, especially how the human brain processed the look, the smell and the mouth feel of the wine. The amazing result: Our brain has to invent the different flavors only, what it calls for enormous. As an example, Shepherd called color as the Portal, Travel+Leisure reported: Physically speaking, our environment is colorless. When light falls on objects, it activates the brain in such a way that it produces from different wave lengths of color. Also in the tasting of wine, the brain is the decisive factor: Here, the flavor is supposed to occur only when the brain sends the appropriate signals .

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sensors of Sommeliers is particularly well pronounced

shepherd’s conclusion: The wine tasting should be considered as a variant of the brain-Jogging and more in the center of the back. The American radio station National Public Radio (npr) said of the neuro scientists in the Interview, that even banal-looking actions during the wine tasting complex neurological mechanisms .

Sommeliers Are much more intelligent than those who mow wine. The Portal of the Decanter, according to professional Sommeliers to cut off in the area of the sensor is actually very good – Hear, See, Smell, and Taste at them is better developed than people from other occupational groups . As a sign of higher intelligence this is not, however.

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