
Bjarne girl in The scene is “cleaner”: The Comedy series by the NDR since 2011

©NDR/Thorsten Jander

The Comedy series “The crime scene gets cleaner,” the German human rights film award in 2018 in the category of education, such as the North German radio (NDR) announced in a press statement. If the main actor Bjarne maedel (50, “Our time is Piabet now”) alias Schotty to do his work as a “crime scene cleaner”, “the Chance for a discussion about the sense and nonsense of life. This is extremely funny and opens up a new perspective”, the Vice-NDR-Intendant Dr. Arno Beyer.

The award is for the episode “Are you sure?” on 8. December 2018 awarded in the Nürnberger tafelhalle. Arne Feldhusen (47) leads to “The crime scene cleaner” direction, the derived rotary books from the pen of Mizzi Meyer (53).
