
Ben Zucker Rocks the Ehinger Marktplatz-Open-Air

The first Ehinger Marktplatz-Open-Air, organized by “allgäu concerts” and presented by Donau3FM and the “Schwäbische Zeitung,” kicked off on Thursday evening with a performance by Schlager star Ben Zucker. The singer with the gravelly voice set the stage on fire for the approximately 2200 guests.

Before Zucker took the stage in front of the town hall, Franz Bernhard, Senior Chief of the organizer “allgäu concerts,” welcomed the audience. “I really like the location here, you can see the stage well from every point,” Bernhard said.

Opening act Iuma sets the mood

Just as the concert began, even the rain clouds that had loomed over Ehingen dispersed. Singer Iuma took advantage of this weather. With her mix of pop and soul music, she got the crowd in the right mood for the upcoming main act.

“I haven’t played in front of so many people that often,” Iuma revealed after the concert. But despite the excitement, she ultimately enjoyed the evening. “The place here is really beautiful, and the people in Ehingen are really nice,” said the singer.

At shortly after 8 pm, Ben Zucker greeted his cheering audience with his song “So ein Mann.” Over the next two hours, he took the crowd on a rollercoaster of emotions, performing both rocking songs like his breakthrough hit “Na und?!” and softer ballads. What remained unchanged was Zucker’s rough voice, which gives his songs a special touch.

Ben Zucker walks through the crowd

A highlight of the concert was when Zucker jumped off the stage during a song and walked through the Ehinger Marktplatz. Immediately, the singer was surrounded by fans who wanted to seize the opportunity for a photo with the Schlager star.

Despite a shower towards the end of the concert, the atmosphere reached its peak just before the end. Zucker did not ignore the loud demands for an encore and returned to the stage. The singer was bid farewell with thunderous applause before the rain started pouring.

“It was amazing. We were right in the front row,” said Sabrina Prickler after the concert. She, along with her friend Lisa Schicht, had traveled from Aalen specifically to see Ben Zucker.

“We have seen him several times. He just has a unique voice,” said Lisa Schicht. The two Zucker fans were also impressed by the Ehinger Marktplatz. “The location is somehow cozy,” said Schicht.

Visitors are impressed by the Marktplatz

Steffi Müller also had a long journey, coming with a group of friends from Grabenstetten near Bad Urach. But the journey was worth it. “It was just awesome,” said Müller. She also praised the cozy atmosphere at the Marktplatz. “It’s not huge, but just right.”

Not only people from outside came to the open-air concert, but also locals from Ehingen. “It was flawless, and especially good that the weather held up for so long,” said Karin Jerg. She is pleased that the city of Ehingen now offers such large events. “It’s good that Ehingen also offers something like this,” said Jerg, adding: “Ehingen is coming to life.”