According to information from L’Express, Emmanuel Macron asked Aya Nakamura to sing Édith Piaf at the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympic Games.

Barely official, the announcement is already causing a stir: will Aya Nakamura inaugurate the Paris Olympic Games by singing at their opening ceremony? This is what L’Express claims: Emmanuel Macron would have asked the Franco-Malian singer, discreetly on February 19 at the Elysée, if she could participate in the opening party of the Olympics. “Which singers or songs from the French repertoire matter to you?” the head of state reportedly asked him, according to the newspaper.

A question to which Aya Nakamura would have answered that she liked Édith Piaf “very much”. The President of the Republic, “delighted” with this response, according to L’Express, would have advised him to have fun during the opening ceremony of the Games, which will be held next Friday, July 26 on the Seine: “Well , on the big day you have to sing what you like.”

Several weeks ago, rumors were rife about the artists who could perform at the opening of the competition. The Daft Punk duo had been anticipated, their presence even advanced by Thomas Joly, director of the opening ceremony of the JP, before the information was denied.