
Carlinhos Maia Accused of Drug Use by Antonia Fontenelle: Influencer Responds

On Saturday night (8), Antonia Fontenelle and Carlinhos Maia engaged in a heated exchange on social media. It all started when the 51-year-old YouTuber made a post on Instagram lamenting the alleged use of cocaine by the influencer. Fontenelle reposted a photo of Maia on the platform showing off a diamond watch and accused him of having lines of the drug just below his wrist.

“Carlinhos, change your path while you still can,” she began. “Look at the photo posted by one of Brazil’s biggest influencers. Below his diamond watch, lines and more lines of cocaine. This is what happens when people lose their purpose. Very sad. Okay, what’s your concern, Antonia? Simple: he influences a mass of young people, especially from the Northeast. In his recent stories, there’s a very drunk young man, and everyone finds it cute. This is wrong, people.”

After the post, Carlinhos Maia lost his patience and released a video responding to the accusation. “For a while now, this person has been speaking ill of me on her shows and more, and I just let it go and ignore it — like I do with most people who use my name to get likes, and that’s okay. […] Yesterday, I went out with the boys after the interview, and I was wearing vinyl pants. I took a blurry photo, capturing the watch and the vinyl pants, which, being mirrored… Because this lady […], who has nothing else to do, made an accusation saying that there were lines and lines of cocaine below my pants,” the influencer complained.

Lucas Guimarães’ husband explained that what Fontenelle thought was cocaine was actually the reflection of the jewelry on the pants. “Look, Antonia Fontenelle. See this? I will sue you nicely, because enough is enough. Every time you talked about me, your nonsense, your idiocy, I didn’t care, because it’s frustration that you have. What you saw here, you weirdo […], you problematic, you crossed the line, they’re jewels! My diamonds reflecting on vinyl pants,” he exclaimed.

Carlinhos also took the opportunity to address showing young people drinking in his stories: “I’m not a parent to anyone. They are of legal age, and I went to a birthday party. There are no children drinking. So, for years, you’ve been nagging.”

“People, I always treated this woman very well, I was always affectionate to her, I gave her interviews. There was a time — sorry, friends, for mentioning your names — but Flávia Alessandra and Otaviano Costa went there for a St. John’s festival, and since then this woman went crazy,” he accused. It is worth mentioning that Antonia Fontenelle and Flávia Alessandra had a legal dispute over Marcos Paulo’s inheritance.

“What did I do to you? Was I married to you? Do you realize, you crazy person? Several people bothering me out of nowhere, and then comes someone who never did anything for me, never gave me a brick to build what I built, calmly accusing me of using cocaine.”

Before concluding, the influencer reiterated that he will sue the YouTuber. “Just for you to know how crazy, nuts, how sick you are. ‘Oh, because there are young people drinking with him,’ I’m not anyone’s father, my love! Are there children drinking? […] Do you get it? What a cow!” he exclaimed.

After the influencer’s statement, Antonia deleted the accusation and justified herself. “Carlinhos, let’s start by saying that I’m not afraid of lawsuits. I really am not […]. I just received your video, you defending yourself, showing that you were wearing vinyl pants, which reflected and blah blah blah. So, I had doubts, and I don’t like to be reckless or unfair to anyone. That’s why I’ll delete my post, but know that it’s not out of fear of a lawsuit. Feel free to sue if you want. There’s no problem at all,” she clarified.