From the title of a shipment, you should not be fooled. “Anne” went Want it to only marginal changes to the “split the country” and the question “Who is responsible for Cohesion?” In the center of the however, see debate, crouched with state “I’m here”-face, Friedrich Merz. A more appropriate title might have been: “old white man is folded by two women together – How useful time travel?”

As head of the CDU, to whose presidency he is trying, would Merz provide in the future, probably for cohesion. Interesting how he imagines the. The division, at least in its party people, who feel “at home” and people to the AfD or – horribile dictu! – to the left of even the Greens, would Merz (“I speak now only for the CDU!”) with a pain split stick finish.

on the one Hand, he wants to make the CDU’s “again” for a green environment attractive, have had in the party, allegedly, long before the Green a home: “We had the members of XY in the group,” recalls Merz, shortly after the Napoleonic occupation, for the protection of the environment occurred.

on the Other hand, he wants to move the party to the right, to call without the so. He calls it rather a re-make it attractive to the CDU for “conservative values” by the Christian democracy “is, without a doubt, for the rule of law and ensures that the law is observed”. Here, too, he remembers better times: “you Know, I’ve never met a man like Alfred Dregger”, I managed to do just that.

More on the topic of MIRROR+ Rold Venn Bernd/ DPA, Friedrich Merz, and his home Where Germany

Merz is pleaded in order for a CDU as the “Europe party”, for “healthy Patriotism”, for more rule of law and “internal security”. You listen to the sound of the Christian democratic reason, closes his eyes and feels around in the year 2000 offset as Merz suddenly the cat out of the bag.

“Until today is not clarified the question,” he says in the direction of those “conservative” is now apparently with unhealthy Patriotism, “on what legal Basis, actually, the borders were open”. So, what is the AfD legend of an Opening of the borders bare reality would be.

Thankfully, Anna Lena Baerbock makes him negligent Framing. Patiently, the Co-leader of the Greens in on the joke from the Schengen area, in which there were no boundaries, and is explained by a “Hole” at the peak of the dramatic migration movements from 2015 so there can be no question.

The Chancellor to blame, she’s not Merz, but also haven’t closed the Yorkbet borders at that time, the military, the want to. It was a wonderfully “humane gesture” – for their uniqueness, he would be now but in the future.

presenter Wants to (.) with your guests

In the case of the original question after the division of the country, it goes quickly to the East and the West. Baerbock speaks of disused railway stations, among other things, in all the regions, “people will feel not only left behind, they are suspended”. What Merz is stepping in with true, pleasant views of railway stations in the Sauerland: “there is in West Germany.”

All we had “in large Parts of the country prospering regions,” not everything was bad. The East and the West? “We have all underestimated how long an integration process takes,” says Merz – what Manuela Schwesig (SPD), Minister President of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, has been waiting for.

your barrage of examples, where the GDR is quite Suitable to show for it, is so dense that it is Merz ‘ at the end, only with such an absurd sentence such as “I’m always a supporter of polyclinics have been” out of the affair, tried to pull. And yet, but, hey: “Is this run really all that bad?”

Completely on the Defensive unit, the applicant, after Will asks: “Why do you think that you Besserwessi upper-middle-class (…) manage to do this as, pardon me, rich?” He had “an idea” of how normal families live, Merz to consider, and have not failed to mention his Foundation for “disadvantaged children”, “my wife and I Deposit private money”.

Baerbock, however, is already in full flight and explains, in a nod to the company, the Merz, the head of the Supervisory Board: “It can’t be that Blackrock manages more assets than some States.” What is Merz’s eyes countered with a wink that he was working in a similar function, “a manufacturer of toilet paper”.

More on the topic of Merz’ battle for the CDU-chair-millionaire in the middle of the

ad hominem goes Schwesig and attacks the man, toilet paper or, now, directly. He had made in the case of a company, “cash”, that is to be actively involved in mass tax evasion helped. In her previous Job as a tax agent, you have to also see that large companies were able to make comfortable for a slim foot, while commuters will be asked by the tax office, whether you ride a “70 or 65 kilometers to work”.

“you have cash” – The Merz finds degrading and does not want to justify for his professional success. Happily, however, he would be returned to the state of something, finally, he had made both of his state exams to state universities.

a Pity, however, that he as a Gentleman, the rhetorical low blow by Schwesig (“I don’t envy their private jets!”) simply inserts, instead of back wedges. It could have been so nice to live close to the debate about what more goes into the money – pitch, Fuel and tax for a minimum of a Cessna Friedrich Merz or a private school for the eldest son of Manuela Schwesig.

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At this point, readers in the App and on the mobile/stationary Website will have the opportunity to a representative Civey-survey. Civey is an Online opinion research Institute based in Berlin. For the collection of its representative surveys the Software of the 2015 company, founded Websites together turns to a Germany-wide survey network. In addition to SPIEGEL ONLINE, the “daily mirror”, “world”, “economy week” and “Rheinische Post”. Civey was financed by the funding programme ProFit of the Investitionsbank Berlin and the European regional development Fund.