The welfare state and how it could be reformed. Well. This is a when gaining the topic. At least for those that do not rely on “the old aunt of the welfare state”, as the singer Peter light called the System of state subsidies for the needy.

it is not the way it is. Since the Affected, politics and the economy are unanimous. In this question there is, “Anne Will” no dissent. But on the question of how far to go “we” for a Reform. And at whose expense it is to go.

is The most likely to agree with the Status Quo, Minister of health, Jens Spahn, CDU. Recently, he had declared: “Hartz IV is poverty means”, but as “an active anti-poverty” one of the greatest achievements of the SPD. A case of hardship here, too much bureaucracy, really. In principle, however, was to change very little. Who work more, “and six in the morning” get up, should also earn more.

The SPD, in turn, shows in the Person of Andrea Nahles – first settling movements of Schröder’s reform, and now needs to sell in the TV Studio Secretary General Lars klingbeil. It is still not clear what Reform of the Reform has in mind the social Democrats.

Video to the debate on Hartz IV: Nahles wants to Challenge the welfare state “simple”


Maintain a Regime should be “and Promote” the greater promotion by the state. Work is Central. A case of hardship here, too much bureaucracy because, in principle, but Klingbeil and Spahn are “together”, as one says today.

Not even in shouting distance of Sahra wagenknecht of the Left, moved to of course. She brushes aside the “wage gap bid” (“the one Who gets up in the morning to six o’clock…” and so on) and calls for a fundamental Reform, higher rates, more money for education, no system, the fear of social descent, no intimidation by the state.

On a completely different planet, however, Michael Bohmeyer home. The founder of the Association “My basic income” keeps the basic income for the crucial “investment in all the people of the society”. No stigmatising alms for the poor, but a “vote of confidence”.

Where it is less about the money but rather the “Subtext”. The unconditional trust in the Individual, paid in the Form of 1000 Euro per month, paying off for all parties Involved. People slept better, Bohmeyer, had no Burn-outs more – and searched for most often in a job that corresponds to their abilities and inclinations better.

most likely on his side curiously, Simone Menne. The consultant also calls for a clear cut with the past, a bold step into the future. The old System of hedging, Menne, was based on an “old industrial Revolution”. The digital transformation challenge at least as radical Innovation in the social sector. Kolaybet

especially Menne wants to motivate more, less sanction. The old method of appointment failures or Reject an offered position with the cuts to punish, is: “We have,” she says gently, “tax cheaters in the higher income layers”.

Against the basic income, with all other Differences, Wagenknecht, Klingbeil, and Spahn has a closed Front. Spahn wants to retain the sanctions, especially in the case of young Hartz IV-recipients, in order to bring them with pressure on the right Track. This is a “principle of Fairness” to the people that earned the money for it. Klingbeil insists that work was Central for the people and the basic income more of a “standstill money”.

Wagenknecht proposes in a similar vein and assured that their basic income, in principle, sympathetic. However, it should be only a minimal pension, or “limit, which does not really have”. To take people to the existence of fear, the was “in principle, the task of the social state”. For the basic income “unpleasant people”, and in particular out of the economy, which had rather a dismantling of the welfare state (health insurance, minimum wage, employment protection) in view advertise, according to wagenknecht. There is, then, Yes, 1000 Euro on the Hand, the had then. For everything.

Since rolled Anne Wants a pretty bone of contention in the round, the example of a master Baker from Berlin, gets absolutely no employees. Even though he paid above the General pay scale, plus a Night surcharge, would be a lot of work, Agency Mediated the strike, only the stamp to pick up, never to work appear. Sanctions? He finds okay.

Wagenknecht is the concrete example of visibly uncomfortable: “you have to look at the individual cases, exactly why the people have rejected.” We do not have in Germany in General, “too many Jobs that are badly paid,” which is true but to this specific example.

Jens Spahn wants to know wagenknecht, whether a Job in the bakery would be about a academics unreasonable. The Left goes with a swing, in which case, Yes, the academics would be outclassed. Soso, counters Spahn, the honorable profession of the Baker was, therefore, a reduction for the Mr engineer? And: “I’m maybe a boring type, but I wonder all the time: Who’s paying for this?”

What the whole discussion has turned so majestic in a circle that you had as a spectator in spite of the rotation.