ten years Ago, the comedienne Gaby Köster suffered a severe stroke. Through their struggle back to life, they wrote together with Till Hoheneder, 2011, the book “A cold would have passed – my second Chance”. RTL filmed the book six years later, the actress Anna Schudt (“scene”) embodied Köster. In April 2017, the star met the two for an Interview.

Mrs Köster, nine years after her stroke, roar, you …

the Moment, I still have chocolates in my mouth.

you Yell at your paralyzed left Arm sometimes?

Yes, I will.

And what you say to him?

come on, damn it!

he Obeys?

Nah. If I want to leaving the home the jacket, then he wants to hold on to you here on the Bund. He does nothing all day and disabled me then but in the evening in the process. Since I have to be angry with him.

The enemy of the body?


Now you will of Anna Schudt in the movie “A sniff would have played enough”. Do you feel represented adequately?

definitely! My son and my ex-husband, the see were really taken aback, “me” suddenly back on the canvas.

There were also tears, they said.

Yes, my son sobbed in between. I can’t, unfortunately, crying, this is broken since the stroke. But I was in terrible mood, because I’ve seen the Film, what this has meant for my family. And it has made me, too, Anna, when I saw you in the wheelchair seen.

ANNA SCHUDT: And I have to tell you that I was after each day of shooting is infinitely happy that I was able to get up and go home. The was, Time and again: Thank you, dear God!

KOSTER: That’s one of the things I was annoyed at first That I didn’t appreciated. Sometimes I stand today in the stairwell and thinking, I would now be run so much easy, fast. But does not work.

woman Schudt, she played Mary Stuart, Anna Karenina, a “crime scene”Commissioner. What are you tempted to play a comedienne?

especially, that we have opened a Chapter that still had opened no one. Everything that’s happened to Gaby’s stroke, was, so to speak, in the treasure box. Therefore, I was relatively free, and could deal with what she had told me about it. But I have already tried to talk to Gaby’s Kölsch.

Not bad for a from the lake of Constance.

KOSTER: You’re the perfect embodiment, Anna!

SCHUDT: Thank you. We wanted to tell a superhero story; the of a popular woman who suffers a blow of fate.

In the “scene” they play more of the tart, cool guy, and now this absolute sweetheart. What was harder?

Gaby was a challenge. The were so many tasks, from the Rhine’s talk about stroke to learn to Walk. It was the Monument, and then the whole puzzle came in parts.

It says always so beautiful: The Important thing is not to give up. The Film, Mrs Köster, shows that they wanted to on several occasions to give up. Today, too? Award ceremony in New York, German is not more wins Emmy as best actress in a DPA

no, not so much. But in the hospital it was more often the case. I mean, you learn a stroke, to drive the wheelchair. This is not in the package with the accessories. Shortly after the coma, I thought: Nice, now two weeks hurry once free, and then everything is back to juut. We do not anticipate that it will take that long. Nine years ago now.

they were half a year in rehab. Surrounded by people with a similar fate.

There’s also a lot of skull-brain were Trauma from Dubai. The were overthrown in the camel race on the fast Lane or so. And many patients with word-finding disorders. But also people who could use arms and legs, but not coordinated, and then the coffee behind, dumped. It was very relaxing, as I was finally home.

you Were actually private or legally insured?

Private, I think.

they Feared that the health insurance company says: How long will this take?

Clearly, by the way, always in existence fears. But I was always a good contributor.

dogs Help in the healing?

In all cases. Without my dogs I would be gone before the same.

The Film shows how you can use the rhetorical rapid-fire cannon, no longer speak. We listen to your thoughts. Do you remember this Situation?

Yes, of course. Through any of the cannulas in the neck that was mechanically not possible. You get so capsules Language in the hose, flew with every cough through the hut.

Then the Stammer came for the first time.

The Crazy thing is, you have to gather it’s theoretically.

woman Schudt, how have you taught, so to speak, and how to go stroke patients?

That was purely intuitive. I asked myself: What’s the throat, when the thoughts are there? What happens if the reflexes work? If that’s not all, if you get hurt constantly, humiliated and lonely in his Non-Work feels. Everything was normal and independently in your life, suddenly become abnormal.

Long leg heel into the ground – you have re-learned to run.

KÖSTER: I said the same after the coma, when I was a brain still in cotton wool: don’t give a Shit what happens, you go here, walk out again!

have you ever Had the thought: I am being punished for something?

I’ve always thought: Gaby, it’s an Exercise. I don’t know what, but I’ll figure it out.

questions in the Film: What brought me here – fate, cigarettes, or the love of God? If you have answered this question in the meantime?

no, I didn’t. I don’t care anymore.

SCHUDT: We always have the tendency to seek an explanation. There are people to be Gaby, say to come still: Why are you Smoking still? It is constantly being blamed for the misery in which you are sitting.

KÖSTER: I am found so that I have recommended to Doctors and nurses who smoked in front of the door: do not smoke! The Smoking area in the hospital is the only Positive. As in the pub. The nicest people.

The Bathrobe-types from the Smoking area to have revived their sense of humour again, right?

Yes. People have recognized me immediately at the voice. Was funny.

Gaby Köster Humor then comes back in the movie with the sentence: “My skull, ha’m se at the Käpt’n Iglo eingefrorn.”

Exactly! So that was also. Others that were there, had sewn her in the abdomen.

A nurse said to them: “So, now we will wash ourselves.”

This is like an incapacitation. As if Elparents tell their children on the Playground: So, we want to go home now. Once I stand up after going to the toilet wobbly on the bed and ask the therapist: Can you draw me please change the pants? Because the says: Is your trousers and not my pants.


SCHUDT: It’s not nice, really nice, if it is dependent for the simplest things. And it is exhausting to have autonomy to give up. For me, it was one of the most difficult Exercises in this Film. The following is Required:-Are not necessary?

KOSTER: Yes, that is okay. But physiotherapists always work with provocations. And if something doesn’t work for me, is the provocation. The daughter of a friend asked during a visit: “Are you Gaby?” They were also not Gaby Köster. Once a sister came into the room and said: you Know actually, how do you look like? And I didn’t know, because I came alone to the bathroom. I had a bald head, the missing ceiling of the skull. And then the rolled me in front of the mirror, and I thought: so This is Mrs. Peters.

That was your Pseudonym in the hospital for other patients and, possibly, the incidence of end-time reporter.

Yes, as I said, I woman about now, Peters, I thought: Söns still a jet? (Anything else?)

There is a scene in the Film, in the you see your dead father in a Paradise-like world in between. He sends them back to earth.

I thought, wow that is not even reincarnated, is still on the road. As one of my dogs. His speech, however, I found a little harsh: “Wat’re going to cut you then Hey? Dat nit but….” Seemingly I guess I have a job.

Means: What are you doing here? Woman Schudt, do you believe in life after death?

I believe that there are quite a lot of between heaven and earth, of which we know nothing. And I’m sure it goes on. I don’t believe in the Nothing, to the Black. I think that would be a big misunderstanding, because that would make life no fun anymore.

Think about such questions through the Film more intense, more often?

For me, it was a disturbing experience that someone can remain in spite of everything, in his very specific Vertical. Because it has something to do with the way of thinking, with the special Humor that is above and beyond. That is to say: If all of you flows away, how you lived, what you know and who you were. And you’re all of a sudden …

KOSTER: A Ghost just yet.

SCHUDT: no, no, no suddenly you’re in the balance right – I explain it too complicated?

no, no …

SCHUDT: That impressed me mad that Gaby is still remained somehow. That something in you remains, because it has so much power. And the question is: Where is my own Vertical is bothering me since then? How can I strengthen? And most importantly: What keeps me up at all vertically?

Some people to throw the thought to old age, to death. You too?

I actually thought always, I’ll go with the old mad loose. Not true at all. I think age is totally unfair, stupid, and really unfair. To the death I think is rare.

KOSTER: well, I think it’s reassuring to know that, you will be picked up, if it is so far. From father, Relatives. I tell my circle of friends in heaven always, if one of us is: watch out, here comes. Gets the time.

Pulling after an illness of experience in the teaching of: I not more upset?

I didn’t get excited earlier on every Driss. There are things, as I Leeve Jott will say, if et nothing worse jitt!

woman Schudt, two of her three children’s births in the house. What have you got against hospitals?

Nothing. I didn’t know but when I go to the hospital, then the child comes out. Because to me all the time anyone blathers in and tells me what I should do. The most recent I was in the hospital. The was absurd. I lay there in my camisole with a thing on the belly, and as the student nurse in the labor-Pause: Can I ask you something? I know you from the TV?

KÖSTER: Yes, the man himself is special. Sometimes I ask myself: Who has actually left the box of idiots open?

Mrs Köster, like today is your day to day routine?

I am now in retirement, as the saying goes. But I see still what I do today. I’m a night owl. I frequent animals, little restaurants, but I geistere long night in the house. If I can’t sleep, I’ll do three of my audiobook, or I paint. Then et jeht.

you still live in your house with steep stairs?

Yes. And because the bathroom is at the top, was stairs the First thing I learned, because people need water. Why not a disabled-access apartment on the ground floor? I didn’t want to. I didn’t want to rebuild the house. I said: The stroke has changed my whole life, not even the houses.

you Can provide yourself? Make Breakfast, not dinner …

no, of course. But I have lucky because I have five dogs. If I smear me with a loaf of bread, as what is flying already through the kitchen, and my Labrador likes to eat. The consequence of this is that every Time I go in the kitchen, the dogs come and think: Yippie, again flown by!

Great division of labor.

It is a real madness: Makes you a yogurt Cup with one Hand without dirtying the pants.

How do you make it?

I clamp everything to me between the legs. In the case of water bottles that is sometimes so stupid, as you have a shower, then directly to a Knee.

is it True that you commanded your physiotherapist money when you photographed them in the hospital?

she Has not made but. As I’m limping out of the hospital, I was hit by a Paparazzo and called: “run yet, if it suits you.” Ass hole high ten, from Berlin. If I have the time, encounter, the well rehabilitation is necessary.

SCHUDT: I will sometimes also photographed without being asked. I just don’t think that is in order. I’m not always public, but also private.

KÖSTER: I cry, Yes, not even on Sundays, the bakery in the Park and say, hi, baked me a cake!

people are happy when they see celebrities.

I don’t know why, but for me, the people always mean that they have to touch my face. Or kissing me. I find that strange.

SCHUDT: you don’t trust me. Is likely due to the “crime scene”role. A Commissioner, you don’t touch.

We know, Anna Schudt is turning soon, again a Dortmund-“the scene of the crime”. Mrs Köster, what do you have next?

phew, difficult question. I’m not big thoughts. But a beautiful Verknallung would actually be super.