
Andrew McCarthy recently reflected on his journey from disdain to gratitude for the term “Brat Pack” that was used to label a group of rising, 20-something actors in 1985. In a new documentary titled Brats, McCarthy reconnects with fellow Brat Packers such as Demi Moore, Rob Lowe, Emilio Estevez, and Ally Sheedy to explore how their lives and careers were defined by this label.

Initially, the term had a negative impact on McCarthy and his peers, affecting their careers and friendships. However, as time passed, McCarthy began to see the term in a different light. He realized that the public’s perception of the Brat Pack was not about them as individuals but about the nostalgia and memories associated with the era in which they rose to fame. This realization transformed his view of the label from a burden to a blessing.

In the documentary, McCarthy visits the homes of his former co-stars for unscripted conversations, shedding light on their unique perspectives on being part of a group they never wanted to join. Each member of the Brat Pack has a different take on the impact of the label on their lives and careers, highlighting the complexity of their shared experience.

McCarthy’s journey in unpacking his complicated relationship with stardom is further explored in his 2021 memoir, Brat: An ’80s Story. Through the documentary, he delves into how the past can change over time and how revisiting the Brat Pack story has offered him a new perspective on his career and personal growth.

Despite facing challenges and setbacks due to the Brat Pack label, McCarthy has come to appreciate the unique place that the group holds in Hollywood history. He acknowledges that the cultural landscape has evolved since the ’80s, making it unlikely for a similar phenomenon to occur in today’s fragmented media environment.

Ultimately, McCarthy’s journey from disdain to gratitude for the Brat Pack label serves as a testament to the power of introspection and self-discovery. By revisiting his past and engaging in honest conversations with his former co-stars, he has found a sense of closure and appreciation for the impact of that pivotal moment in his career.