
In the classic romantic comedy “When Harry Met Sally,” one scene in particular stands out to viewers – the deli scene. Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal, the stars of the film, recently sat down to break down this infamous scene in a flashback interview.

The scene takes place in Katz’s Delicatessen in New York City, where Sally (played by Meg Ryan) demonstrates to Harry (played by Billy Crystal) how easy it is for women to fake an orgasm. This iconic moment in the film has become one of the most memorable and talked-about scenes in romantic comedy history.

During the interview, Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal shared their insights on filming the deli scene. They discussed the challenges they faced while shooting the scene and how they worked together to make it feel authentic and comedic. Both actors reflected on the impact the scene had on the film and how it has continued to resonate with audiences over the years.

In addition to discussing the deli scene, Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal also shared behind-the-scenes stories from the making of “When Harry Met Sally.” They talked about their experiences working with director Rob Reiner and the chemistry they had on set that helped bring their characters to life.

Overall, the deli scene in “When Harry Met Sally” remains a standout moment in the film that has left a lasting impression on audiences. Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal’s insights into filming the scene provide a deeper understanding of the creative process behind this beloved romantic comedy.