
Ana Castela Opens Up Her Home to Eliana – Exclusive Interview

In a special episode of the SBT show “Programa Eliana” on Sunday, June 9th, host Eliana travels to Londrina, Paraná, to get an inside look into the life of singer Ana Castela, one of the biggest names in the music industry today.

During the visit, Ana showcases her collections of boots, hats, and Barbie dolls, answers curious questions, and shares special moments with Eliana at her ranch, including a horseback ride. Young fans also get the chance to send in their questions for the rising star of sertanejo music.

One of the highlights of the interview is Ana’s discussion about her relationship with singer Gustavo Mioto. The couple met on a TV show and officially started dating in 2023 after some ups and downs. Ana reveals that Gustavo was the one who initiated contact, but she was the first to make a move. She also mentions that he is quite jealous, while she is more laid-back in the relationship.

When asked about her passion for drawing, Ana confesses that she loves creating art depicting their love story. She emphasizes how much she appreciates Gustavo’s caring nature and attention to detail in their relationship, such as leaving him a note on the bed whenever she leaves his house.

Despite rumors circulating about future plans for marriage and children, Ana sets the record straight by stating that it’s still too early for such commitments. The couple is focused on nurturing their relationship and enjoying each other’s company for now.

Stay tuned for more updates on Ana Castela and Gustavo Mioto’s journey together in the music industry and beyond.