
Amanda Holden, the host of Heart FM Breakfast, shared her thoughts on Prince Harry and Meghan Markle in a recent interview. She mentioned that the British public doesn’t really care about the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, echoing comments made by Graham Norton. Norton had previously stated that people just want Harry and Meghan to live their lives in peace in Montecito, California, away from the spotlight.

Holden and her co-host Jamie Theakston discussed how the press tends to make a big deal out of Harry and Meghan, but in reality, most people don’t pay much attention to their lives. The couple made headlines when they decided to step back from their roles as working royals in 2020 and moved to the United States.

Since then, Harry and Meghan have been involved in various projects that have stirred up controversy. Harry’s memoir, “Spare,” became a bestseller, and the couple also signed a deal with Netflix to produce content. Meghan, on the other hand, launched her own brand, American Riviera Orchard, which is set to release a rose wine soon.

The discussion on Heart FM Breakfast shed light on the fact that while the media may focus on every move the royal couple makes, the general public may not be as invested in their lives as one might think. The conversation also touched on how Harry and Meghan have been able to carve out their own path and pursue projects that are important to them, regardless of public opinion.

Overall, the consensus among Holden, Theakston, and Norton seems to be that people are more interested in letting Harry and Meghan live their lives on their own terms, rather than scrutinizing their every move. As the couple continues to navigate their post-royal life and pursue new ventures, it remains to be seen how the public’s perception of them may evolve in the future.