
The upcoming criminal trial of actor Alec Baldwin in connection with the “Rust” shooting is drawing near, raising concerns for the “30 Rock” star. While Baldwin’s legal team is working to dismiss the case, the prosecution, led by special prosecutor Kari T. Morrissey, is doubling down on their claims of Baldwin’s reckless firearm use on set. The recent conviction and sentencing of armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed to 18 months in prison for the involuntary manslaughter of Halyna Hutchins are further complicating Baldwin’s legal battle.

According to court documents obtained by TMZ, Morrissey alleges that Baldwin displayed negligence with firearms even before the tragic incident that resulted in Hutchins’ death. The prosecution claims that Baldwin recklessly fired a blank round at a crew member and would point the gun at individuals while directing scenes. Additionally, prosecutors assert that Baldwin fired a revolver after the director had called “Cut!” during rehearsals and filmed scenes with his finger on the trigger, disregarding safety protocols.

Moreover, the prosecution accuses Baldwin of pressuring Gutierrez-Reed, a novice armorer, to reload quickly between takes, despite her limited experience and responsibilities as both an armorer and prop master. The prosecution also claims that Gutierrez-Reed struggled to get Baldwin’s attention during firearm safety training sessions, as he would reportedly engage in distractions like texting or FaceTiming his family.

As Baldwin faces mounting legal challenges, his personal life has also come under scrutiny. Recently, the actor celebrated Father’s Day with a post on Instagram featuring his children, prompting mixed reactions from followers. Some criticized the appearance of his 10-year-old daughter wearing makeup, while others defended Baldwin’s parenting choices. Despite the controversy, Baldwin continues to navigate public opinion as his trial date approaches.

With the trial scheduled to commence on July 9, 2024, Baldwin faces the possibility of 18 months in prison if convicted. This outcome could impact his future projects, including a planned reality show on TLC. As the legal proceedings unfold, Baldwin’s reputation, career, and personal life hang in the balance, awaiting the resolution of this high-profile case.