The German involvement in the built space probe “Dawn” has run out of fuel. After about eleven years in All, the probe was silenced as expected, said the US space Agency Nasa. “Dawn” I missed two scheduled communication window. After all of the other reasons could be excluded, will now be assumed that the “Dawn” (English: dawn) as expected, the fuel was assumed. “Dusk to dawn”, wrote Nasa on Twitter.

“Today, we celebrate the end of the ‘Dawn’Mission – their incredible technical achievements, the important scientific findings, she has given us, and the whole Team that has enabled these discoveries,” said Nasa scientist Thomas Zurbuchen.

The probe, whose camera system was developed at scientific institutes in Göttingen, Berlin, and Braunschweig and built, and now can not communicate with the researchers on earth. You will, however, remain in sight for decades in its current orbit around the dwarf planet Ceres. The probe was started in September 2007 from the spaceport Cape Canaveral in the U.S. state of Florida. The Mission was originally planned to last nine years and has been renewed several times.

“Dawn” had been reached in March 2015, as the first missile ever to orbit a dwarf planet and Ceres ever since, surrounded. Previously, the probe had visited a total of around 470 million Dollar Mission to the asteroids Vesta is the only probe that is orbiting two extraterrestrial objects.


Only a short time before Nasa declared the end to another Mission: the space telescope Kepler ran out of fuel as expected. Nasa had sent to the German astronomer Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) to the named space telescope, 2009. His Mission is the search for planets outside our solar system, called exoplanets.
